Benin and Seychelles are the most open African countries for visas


Benin ended the year ahead of the report on the 2018 visa opening index in Africa, after opening its border to all African travelers.

This West African country has set up a visa-free policy for all nationals of African countries, joining Seychelles in the category of the most open-minded visa-related nations in the world. continent.

The index, developed by the African Union and the African Development Bank over the past three years, shows that African countries are opening up more and more between themselves.

Africa is indeed on an upward trajectory towards seamless borders and the free movement of its population.

"Ethiopia's decision to introduce an inbound visa regime for all African passport holders shows that Africa is indeed on the road to transparency and the free movement of its citizens", said the ambassador. Kwesi Quartey, Vice President of the Commission of the African Union.

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The 20 most visa-friendly countries continue to improve their average score, reflecting the more liberal visa policy of countries.

Top 10 African countries open to visas

  • Seychelles (free visa for Africans)
  • Benin (free visa for Africans)
  • Rwanda
  • Go
  • Guinea Bissau
  • Uganda
  • Ghana
  • Green cap
  • Kenya
  • mozambique

Zimbabwe was also part of the top 20 by introducing an on-arrival visa policy for SADC members.

The report recommended continuing to promote solutions such as the African passport, regional blocks without visas, multi-year visas or arrival visa systems, as Africans still need a visa. to travel to more than half of other African countries. countries.

The African Union has this year advocated the launch of the Continental Free Trade Area and the Single Market for African Air Transport.

The continental body wants to promote air connectivity and make travel faster, cheaper and easier for Africans in the interior of Africa.

"Regional integration and trade based on the free movement of people, goods, services and capital are at the heart of the activities of the African Development Bank," said Akinwumi A. Adesina, chairman of the group of the African Development Bank.


The Visa Opening Index assesses progress made by African countries in easing their visa regimes.

Analyzes go under the visa conditions defined by each member state of the African Union for the other member states seeking to enter their borders.

The report aims to show at a glance which countries facilitate travel by citizens of other African countries and how; if they allow people to travel to their country without a visa; if travelers can obtain a visa upon arrival in the country; or if visitors must obtain a visa before traveling.

Overall, compared to 2017

Africans do not need a visa to travel to 25% of other African countries (instead of 22%)
Visas on arrival can be obtained in 24% of other African countries (like last year)
Africans need visas to travel in 51% of other African countries (instead of 54%)

LILY MORE: Report on the visa liberalization index in Africa 2018

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