Billy Joel remembers an anti-trumpet demonstration on the New York scene


Billy Joel said that the time he was wearing a Star of David on stage as a message to President Donald Trump as one of the most memorable moments of his four-year residence at Madison Square Garden .

Joel last week delivered the 54th show in the series, which set a record by also being its 100th overall appearance at the iconic New York venue. When asked about particular moments, Joel chose a show that took place shortly after Hether Heyer was killed during a white supremacist incident in Charlottesville, Virginia – prompting Trump to avoid the conviction by saying that There were "very good people on both sides".

"I remember the nights my daughter Della was there," Joel told CBS News. "She was dancing around.In the last year, there was the night when I brought the Star of David … I do not think it's fair for me to get up on a tribune, because that's not why people are here … I had to do something that night. "

Joel chose Trump's comment as the reason for his action: "No, the Nazis are not good people," he said. My old man, his family was destroyed. They were massacred at Auschwitz [the World War II concentration camp]. He and his parents were able to go out. But then he was in the American arm during the war and fought with Patton and was shot by Nazis. My family has suffered. And I think I have the right to do it. "

Joel admitted that he was not expecting the residence to last so long, saying that he was" flattered "and" stunned "that this transition to a" franchise, " As a sports team "was so successful, he joked that the public" was doing a lot of work. "" When I make the song, I do not think about what I'm doing, "he explains. "I listen to the audience singing, you know, I'm going to:" Okay, not bad! ""

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