Bing Search comes to SwiftKey for Android


Bing has integrated its search engine functionality with SwiftKey, a third-party keyboard for Android devices.

This allows users to quickly search as you type with SwiftKey.

"With just a few clicks, SwiftKey users have access to rich search results that they can easily capture, split and share with their friends. Whether it's the entire webpage, a single image or an excerpt of text, this feature makes it easy to share what you want. "

Bing's integration with SwiftKey works in much the same way as Google's integration with Gboard.

To access Bing using SwiftKey, open the toolbar by pressing the "+" sign at the top left, select the search icon and enter what you are looking for in the search box.

The search results will appear exactly as they appeared on the Bing website.

The search on Bing comes on SwiftKey for Android "width =" 480 "height =" 480 "sizes =" (max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px "data-srcset =" -content /uploads/2018/11/Search-Insta-flights-english-768x768-480x480.jpg 480w, english- 768x768-680x680.jpg 680w, 768w "data-src =" https: / / cdn / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / Search-Insta-French-Flights-768x768-480x480.jpg

According to Google Play Store, SwiftKey has more than 100 million installations, which means that this update could affect Bing's search volume.

Bing Search is available on SwiftKey today by downloading the latest update from the Google Play Store.

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