Blake Shelton came on stage during the concert after "drinking"


Blake Shelton finds humor in a tumble on stage.

After falling during a concert in Pendleton, Oregon, the sexiest of men in 2017 turned to Twitter to mock his actions and ask for evidence.

"Ok Pendleton I know someone is going to have a video of me on stage last night !!" he posted . "Please! !! I have to see it !!! Post it and yes! I had drunk a lot."

Fans provided images of multiple angles [19659005] Gwen Stefani's boyfriend stumbling before straightening up and taking his guitar.

Shelton joked Pitbull, his colleague at the Pendleton Whiskey Music Fest, to make him a little too competitive. "By the way, @ Pitbull … I blame you," Shelton wrote on Twitter. "It was my attempt to compete with your show … I'm a son of a dancing bitch when I do not take a giant 10 second drop …"

VIDEO: Blake Shelton Tweets He is a 'Stalker & # 39; after attending all of Gwen Stefani's Vegas shows

When a naysayer tweeted that Shelton's drunkenness could be considered unprofessional, Shelton retorted by saying "Oh, I'm sorry madam … is meant for people who have a sense of humor .. We do not accept tweets to cry today.We may try again tomorrow! "[19659002] On Monday, a spokesman for Shelton reiterated that falling into a statement: "Blake's tweet was supposed to be a joke, he just stumbled on the riser and landed on the violinist's pedals. was not the result of drinking. "

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