BRICS countries consider Turkey a strategic partner, leader in the region, says South African envoy


Ambassador of South Africa to Ankara Pule I. Malefane emphasized the importance of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's upcoming visit to Johannesburg to strengthen bilateral relations.

President Erdoğan has been invited to join the BRICS summit from Turkey. is considered a strategic partner and a leader in the region.

"It's no coincidence that President Erdoğan was invited to the BRICS Summit," Malefane told the Daily Sabah in an exclusive interview. He stressed that "Turkey is seen as a strategic ally in strengthening South-South relations and the Agenda 2063, which is a strategic vision of the African Union".

Erdoğan will visit the South African capital Summit from 25 to 27 July. The visit is also expected to strengthen Turkey's bilateral and economic ties with South Africa, heralded as the gateway to the African continent. On the sidelines of the summit, Erdoğan is expected to hold bilateral meetings with the other leaders of the BRICS bloc, composed of five emerging countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa [19659005]. the bloc president, established a BRICS awareness dialogue where he launched an invitation to the six regional economic communities in southern countries, which includes Turkey as president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

represent 26% of the world's landmass and are home to 46% of the world's population and about 23% of the world's domestic product (GDP).

Malefane said that "Part of the key issues will be to address the challenges and opportunities offered by the 4th Industrial Revolution, where Turkey's contribution becomes critical."

The Ambassador emphasized that training BRICS aims to find solutions to the challenges, including the change dyn He added that during his visit, Erdoğan will have a bilateral meeting with South African President Ramaphosa. He stressed that the meeting between leaders "will determine future engagement needs and will also address critical issues affecting the region and continent."

Regarding the current economic ties between the two countries, Malefane said: the numbers are currently less than $ 1 billion, which demonstrates the need for dialogue and communication to realize untapped potential. "

  Özgenur Sevinç (L) of the daily Sabah with the Ambassador of South Africa to Ankara Pule I. Malefane

He added that with the recent Joint Economic Commission in South Africa, the two countries engaged on issues of mutual trade.

'South Africa has no connection with FETÖ'

the victims of the July 15th coup d'etat, perpetrated by the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) in 2016.

On the night of July 15, 2016, a small military junta composed mainly of 39; FETÖ infiltrators tried to erthrow the democratically elected government of Turkey and murder President Erdoğan, who was on vacation in the province of Muğla, southwest

The putschists who used heavy weapons, including airplanes fighting, helicopters and tanks against pro-democracy civilians. "" South Africa We were among the first countries to condemn the events of July 15th, and we also pay tribute to all those who have defended democracy and will work with them. Turkey in the fight against terrorism in our respective countries and beyond our borders, "said the South African envoy.

The terrorist group FETÖ runs a global network of schools and universities. It has long been disguised as a charitable organization with religious affiliations before attempting to take over power in Turkey.While some schools and businesses of the terrorist group continue to operate in the country. Foreign, Turkey expects more support from its allies to fight the terrorist group globally. "Contrary to popular belief, South Africa has no connection with FETÖ or any illegal terrorist organization. Malefane said: "We are also encouraged by the continuous consultations that have taken place in all areas, as we saw recently during the visit of the Deputy Director of the United Nations. Hosted by the President of the High Court of Turkey, exchanged information on how best to work together to fight against terrorism and any other activity aimed at undermining the constitutions of both countries and the rule of law. and Parliament of Turkey, June 24, Malefane said: "Let me immediately congratulate President Erdoğan on the decisive electoral victory and the Turkish people for a successful election that has seen democracy and rule prevail. of law. "19659002] Erdoğan claims victory in presidential elections with 52.6% of votes

As Turkey moves to a presidential system Malfane points out that "the Turkish people are now responsible for ensuring that the system works to their advantage while embracing the principles of democracy, and we are inspired by the changes that have taken place in Turkey, where the voice of the people reigned. "

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