
Mtukudzi launches FastJet Bulawayo service

[ad_1] The music superstar Oliver Mtukudzi serenates the passengers of the little flight <img class = "wp-image-47699 size-full" src = " uploads / 2018/07 / fastjet-bulawayo-900.jpg "alt =" First flight … FastJet …

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South Korean Prime Minister to visit Oman from July 23-25 ​​- Oman

[ad_1] In Oman, Lee will hold talks on expanding economic cooperation between two countries and other countries, such as energy and infrastructure, Yonhap said. [19659002Aspartofthethree-nationtourLeevisitedKenyafromJuly19-21LeeheldtalkswithKenyanPresidentUhuruKenyattaongrowingtradeandinvestmentbetweenthetwocountriesandallowingSouthKoreancompaniestoexpandtotheAfricannationininfrastructure Lee attended a Korea-Kenya business forum, visited …

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Week of July 23, 2018

[ad_1] guidance Jul 21, 2018 | 14:29 GMT 2 minutes reading <img object = "" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " /public/geocal-display-07202018-GettyImages-600358336.jpg?itok=lwjS2v8h "data-sizes =" (min-width: …

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