CDC warns against spread of new species


Whether you are walking in the woods or in your garden, there is always a risk of coming in contact with ticks. These tiny parasites are known to spread Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, alpha-gal syndrome, and so on.

Now the experts have shared an update that might warrant extra caution. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, new species of ticks are spreading in the United States. The species – known as Asian longhorned tick or H. longicornis – is native to East Asia.

"The presence of H. longicornis in the United States represents a threat of new and emerging disease," says the report. It was detected for the first time on a sheep in New Jersey in August of last year.

Since then, it has been detected in Arkansas, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, the State of New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. These detections involved domestic animals, wild animals and two human beings.

In China and Japan, the long-horned tick has been shown to transmit a life-threatening disease. According to Health magazine, the virus kills 15% of people bitten. However, there are no such cases in the States yet. The CDC report pointed out that there was no disease in humans or in any of the other animals examined. The level of threat posed by these ticks remains uncertain for the moment.

"The total impact on public health and agriculture of this tick discovery and its spread is unknown," said Ben Beard, deputy director of the CDC's Vector-borne Diseases Division. "In other parts of the world, the Asian horned tick can transmit many types of common pathogens in the US We are concerned that this tick, which can cause massive infestations in animals, humans and the environment, the United States. "

If you are exposed to ticks, wear clothes that cover your arms and legs. Light colors are preferred because they facilitate their identification.

"Putting the pants back in his socks is a totally lame thing, but in this case, it can save you from the suffering of a tick-borne disease," suggested Holly Donohoe, a researcher at the University of Florida .

You can also use a chemical repellent containing DEET, permethrin or picaridine. Take a shower after spending time outdoors and be sure to check for the absence of ticks, especially moisture-prone areas such as underarms, hair, knees, etc.

If you find a tick, do not panic. Experts note that it takes more than 24 hours for any possible transmission of pathogens. Therefore, the sooner you remove it, the better it is. The CDC explains how to remove them correctly using a tweezers.

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