Celebrities Spoke Against James Gunn Shooting From 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'


After James Gunn's stunning shooting on Friday afternoon, celebrities who worked with the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy and others who knew him defended him on social media.

Disney fired Gunn after offensive tweets from 2009 "Offensive attitudes and statements on James' Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio values, and we broke our business relationship with him" said Disney Studios president Alan Horn in a statement.

Gunn is excused for offensive comments in 2012, after being hired to direct Guardians for Marvel and Disney, based on the success of his scorching superhero movie Super . He also apologized Friday, before being fired and issued another statement afterwards, supporting Disney's decision to cut ties with him.

"Even those many years later, I take full responsibility for the way I behaved". . "All I can do now, beyond my sincere and sincere regrets, is to be the best possible human being: to accept, understand, engage with equality. and think carefully about my public statements and my obligations to our public discourse. To all members of my industry and beyond, I again offer my sincere apologies to all. "

Gunn was to make a third film Guardians and was going to do a project at Sony.Over the controversy, celebrities took on Twitter and other social networks to defend Gunn, there including Guardian star Dave Bautista, who issued a strong statement supporting his friend Scroll down to watch the reaction to the news

Slide 1 out of 10 Dave Bautista

Dave Bautista, who played in both Guardians films and Avengers: Infinity Wa as Drax the Destroyer, was not happy with the shooting.

"I'll have more to say but for now all I'll say is that .. @ JamesGunn is the # 39; one of the most loving, caring, good natured people I have already met, he is kind and kind and cares deeply about people and animals, he made mistakes, we all … I do not agree with what happens to him, "he wrote . 10 David Destmalchian

The character actor David Destmalchian posted a photo of himself with Gunn to show his support on Instagram. Director Peyton Reed of Ant-Man also appeared in the photo.

"I say it for years! @jamesgunn is one of the most incredible people I've ever known – both professionally and personally," he wrote. "There are so many people in our lives that we would never have known without the incredible magnet of talent and kindness that is James (and his wonderful life partner, @jenniferlholland) Thank you for being part of your family, buddy. Michael Ian Black

Michael Ian Black reacts forcefully after Mike Cernovich, the conservative conspiracy theorist who unearthed Gunn's controversial comments, also unearthed some of his own controversial jokes. Black pointed out that Cernovich was charged with rape in 2003.

Slide 4 of 10 Patton Oswalt

Patton Oswalt responded to the controversy by retweeting a photo of the controversial tweets of Cernovich

"This is one of the least disgusting tweets from Mike Cernovich, the guy who, after launching a smear campaign at the Gamergate, just fired James Gunn of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. Ok, have a good weekend, "wrote Oswalt Slide 5 of 10 Fede Alvarez

" I can not believe what Disney does at @JamesGunn This "Wrong Alvarez writes"

Slide 6 of 10 Justin Toiland

"It's crazy for me, is that it? Is there a movie I've worked on, I quit, disney, "added Justin Toiland.

Slide 7 out of 10 Joe Carnahan

Director Joe Carnahan tweeted a link to a Change.org petition for get Disney re-engage Gunn.

In another tweet, Carnahan wrote: "Cernovich is a cheap provocateur determined to destroy the careers of the best men. @JamesGunn was targeted because He is a virulent critic @ RealDonaldTrump: criminal bullshit and amorality James does not deserve that He should be brought back immediately #RehireJamesGunn. "

Slide 8 of 10 Michael Rooker

The actor Michael Rooker responded to a fan who asked him what he thought of the situation. "James Gunn knows it, it's all that matters," he writes.

Slide 9 by 10 Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais makes a veiled reference to the situation

"Joking about bad things is not the same as doing bad things, the joke does not even tolerate bad things. about a joke and the target of a joke may be different. Being offended does not prove that the joke is wrong, "wrote the ancient Office star

Slide ] 10 out of 10 Rhett Miller

"I have known @jamesgunn for a long time and I guarantee that those old tweets were JUST JOKES .You can argue that they were bad jokes, or useless or tasteless or He was fired to 100% about his political convictions, which is a scary moment, "Rhett Miller wrote:

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