Chadema Feels the Rot in the Next By-Elections – Politics


Dar es Salaam. The main opposition, Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), urged the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to ensure that the next by-elections take place in a free and fair environment.

The re-elections of Buyungu Parliament headquarters and other elections will be held on August 12 in mainland Tanzania.

Buyungu's parliamentary by-election is held following the death of his MP Mr. Kasuku Bilago (Chadema) in May, while those of parish councilors will be held after defection of parish councilors from Opposition to Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in power

Chadema's secretary general, Dr. Vincent Mashinji, told reporters on Thursday, July 12 that the party would participate in by-elections

. the elections because we know Buyungu and residents of other neighborhoods must have good representatives, "said Dr. Mashinji.

He warned that if NEC did not guarantee that the by-elections are free and fair, they could cause chaos 9659002] Dr. Mashinji described some of the electoral irregularities that occurred during the appointment, such as the approval of the names of his party's cadres to stand for the by-election, which was not a great success.

He added that he had written a letter to the returning officers in Tunduma and Songwe districts, but he received no response.

Dr. Mashinji stated that those who had been nominated for the posts had falsified the letters

The Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Athuman Kihamia, downplayed the allegations.

Mr. Kihamia announced that the commission él The election would announce the names of those who were designated for the by-elections on September 14th.

The claims do not stand up because we have not even announced the list of those who have been nominated to stand for election … they should follow the procedures if they feel that their rights have been violated, "said Mr. Kihami.

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