Chamisa, from Zimbabwe, regrets calling her "stupid" supporters


Nelson Chamisa, the Zimbabwean opposition leader, said he regretted calling his supporters "stupid" for protesting shortly after the July general elections.

Chamisa, who heads the MDC Alliance, told reporters Thursday that he did not support the violence that erupted on August 1.

He said, "You are talking about an election that has not been declared. And why should I even react because I do not know the results that will be announced? "

"It was very stupid, even for the people who demonstrated … it was stupid because they were then open to attack and manipulation," he told reporters. "I think all those who demonstrated – it was their right, but I think it was not asked," Chamisa said.

Pressure is being exerted on him to appear before a commission of inquiry into the violence that resulted in some deaths.

Six people were killed when opposition protesters clashed with soldiers shortly after the general election.

Soldiers reportedly fired on protesters, causing condemned deaths around the world. They were agitated by the election results, claiming that their candidate, Nelson Chamisa, had won.

But his comments about the protesters angered many who turned to social media to condemn him. Shortly after, he excused himself by sending a message on his Twitter account.

Chamisa said he would appear before the commission only if President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his two vice-presidents agreed to do so as well.

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the post-election killings in the country.

The seven-member commission of inquiry was chaired by former South African President Kgalema Motlanthe.

The commission had three months to examine the reasons for the demonstrations and the role of the army in the murders.


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