Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Narendra Modi Visit Rwanda


The Chinese president, who is touring Africa to consolidate China's role as one of the continent's closest economic and diplomatic allies, has spoken with Kagame, the current president of the country. African Union on Sino-African Cooperation. In Rwanda, he will also travel to Mauritius, which means his trip will extend to almost every corner of sub-Saharan Africa, where China's economic weight and strategic ambitions are increasing. year by year.

President Xi and PM Modi will travel to South Africa to attend the BRICS summit later this week. Russian leader Vladimir Putin is expected to attend the summit on 25 July.

This is the first visit to Rwanda for both leaders. As President Xi departed, Modi arrived in Rwanda for a five-day tour of Africa.

The Indian Prime Minister had talks with President Kagame on India's investment in key areas of the country and announced that India would open a high commission in Rwanda, according to The Times of India.

During the trip, PM Modi will also visit a village in the eastern province of Rwanda and offer 200 cows as India's contribution to Kagame's flagship cow "Girinka", by family program, according to the newspaper .

While India seeks to boost investment and trade opportunities with Rwanda, China's interests in the country leave behind India.

China is by far Rwanda's largest trading and contracting partner – with 70% of the country's roads built by Chinese companies.

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China has invested more than $ 400,000 million in 61 projects and joint ventures over the past 12 years years. Hongwei, said. [Xiangping] Xi Jinping travels to Africa to conquer China "data-src-mini =" // .jpg "data-src-xsmall =" // "data-src-small = "" data-src-medium = "// cnnnext / dam / assets / 161028155215-xi-jinping-india-october-plane-exlarge-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // -india-october-plane-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // jpg "data-src-mini1x1 =" // "data-demand-load =" not- loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /// //// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

Xi Jinping said in a statement that the two countries had established diplomatic relations since 1971, his visit was aimed at to strengthen bilateral ties, which could increase Chinese investment in Rwanda.

Rwanda has increased its regional and global influence under the leadership of Kagame and continues to show the example to countries facing

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Due to the great geographical distance and differences in size, system and culture between China and Rwanda, our peoples enjoy A deep, traditional friendship.

"Our two countries have endured great suffering in history.That is why we cherish the national stability, ethnic unity and economic development that we enjoy now, and are proud of what we accomplished along the way, "Xi said in a statement.

Xi stressed the construction of the stadium China's refusal to implant the African Union headquarters it built in Ethiopia "data-src-mini =" // cdn. "data-src-xsmall =" // -plus-169.jpg "data-src-small =" "data-src-medium =" / /doc.cdn summit-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // "data-src-mini1x1 =" // "data-demand-load =" not-loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

China is the Largest Trading Partner from Africa, surpassing the United States almost a decade ago and reaching a record $ 220 billion in 2014, according to official statistics. have always made it a point to visit African nations regularly and early during their time in power.

When he took the presidency in 2013, Xi also chose Africa as part of his In 1965, the IMF said that Rwanda is the third fastest growing economy in the world. Africa, although human rights groups report a restriction of freedom of expression in the country. country.

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