Chinese support propelling Africa's solid progress towards industrialization


The Herald

JOHANNESBURG. – Driving locomotives, exporting clothes to other continents and setting up industrial parks … The dream of industrialization that the African peoples have been pursuing since their independence decades ago is progressively realized thanks to the capital, to Chinese technology and skills.

Chinese companies have invested heavily in the industrial parks and special economic zones that have emerged in many African countries determined to diversify their economies and take advantage of globalization.

It is widely accepted that China has played an important role in economic transition, wealth creation and job creation in Africa

Development and Skills

Ethiopian industrial parks Mekelle and Kombolcha created by Chinese companies at a cost of $ 100 million and $ 90 million, respectively, have come to symbolize the ambition of the East African country to become a production center.

The Hawassa Industrial Park, built by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation and unveiled in July 2016, has become a model for attracting high-tech manufacturing companies in the textile and apparel industry.

The investment of Chinese enterprises certainly fits in the general picture of the industrial development of Ethiopia. Arkebe Oqubay, chairman of the board of the Ethiopian Industrial Park Corporation, told Xinhua in a recent interview that more industrial parks will be created to ensure that production contributes 20% of GDP and 50% of exports by 2025.

Kenya, meanwhile, also relies on Chinese investment in modern infrastructure to expand its manufacturing sector, the Nairobi-Mombasa normal track train serving example.

The railway, unveiled in mid-2017, is considered a beacon of Kenya's Vision 2030, a development plan that aims to turn the East African power station into a "newly industrialized middle-income country".

The initial results of China's proposed road and belt initiative will not only boost cross-border trade and regional integration, but will also boost Kenya's manufacturing sector, which contributes 10 per cent percent of GDP.

According to official estimates, modern Chinese-funded railways have increased the GDP of the African country by 1.5 percent and created nearly 50,000 jobs in Kenya.

C & H Garments Ltd, a Chinese-owned company that produces African-themed clothing and uniforms for Rwandan forces, has employed up to 1,500 local people.

In addition to providing jobs, Chinese companies have also helped the local workforce develop skills, having contributed to the manufacturing revolution in African countries, including Tanzania.

Sunshine Industrial Company, based in Dar es Salaam, is one of the largest investors in the mining and manufacturing sectors in Tanzania. S. Krishna, a former owner of a small company that joined the Chinese company in 2014, said he benefited enormously.

"Working with the Sunshine Industrial Company has not only allowed me to acquire new business skills, but has also changed my thinking," Krishna told Xinhua at a news conference. recent interview

. Tony Sun, executive director of the company, said that a limited pool of highly qualified personnel is an obstacle to the development of labor-intensive industries in Tanzania.

"That's why vocational training should be so important for any Chinese company seeking to grow in Africa," he said.

Inspiration and Future

Diplomats, policymakers and observers agree cooperation has a promising future and it is necessary to maintain it in the long run.

Obed Bapela, South African Deputy Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, said that the development of special economic zones, in which Chinese enterprises play an important role, will stimulate the growth of local industries and create jobs for young people.

The South African official noted that the revitalization of Africa's industrial agenda will be a major topic at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to be held in September.

Beijing Summit to Allow China and Africa to Continue High-Quality, High-Level Cooperation for Mutual Benefit and Common Development [laChineetl'Afrique:versunecommunautéencoreplusforteavecunavenirpartagégrâceàunecoopérationgagnant-gagnant19659003] For the Future, Businesses Chinese will continue their efforts to promote the industrial development of Africa.

Godwin Muhwezi, director of communications at Uganda's National Standards Bureau, said more Chinese companies had applied for permits to establish factories in Uganda and to manufacture building materials and articles. household.

"This means that Chinese certified companies are committed to producing quality products and thus make a positive contribution to Uganda's industrialization efforts," Muhwezi said. As Chinese companies progress, African governments take action simultaneously.

Raphael Tuju, secretary general of the Jubilee Party in Kenya, recently told Xinhua that his country has created an environment conducive to attracting Chinese investment in its industrial sector.

"It is crucial for the country to engage with China and grow our industrial sector which is key to prosperity and job creation for unemployed youth", said Mr. Tuju. Mr. Tuju said that he was particularly impressed by China's extraordinary achievements in reducing poverty.

"There is no precedent in the history of humanity, if China achieves this goal, it will give us some hope," she said. he declared. – Xinhua

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