Chinese Xi and Indian Modi visit Rwanda from Kagame


  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) and Rwandan President Paul Kagame (R) greet residents of the Rweru Model Village in Rwanda on July 24, 2018.

Simon Maina | AFP | Getty Images

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) and Rwandan President Paul Kagame (R) greet residents of the model village of Rweru in Rwanda on July 24, 2018.

Kagame is currently president of the United Nations. African Union. "As such, Rwanda is becoming a shortcut to engagement with Africa in general," said Jared Jeffery, political analyst at South African research firm NKC African Economics, at CNBC's -mail. "Modi's visit is probably more notable than Xi's, because India's lineage in Africa is less meteoric than that of China," said Indigo Ellis, an Africa analyst. Verisk Maplecroft consultancy, said CNBC by e-mail. She added that Kagame regarded cooperation among developing countries as "the future".

The Rwandan president is leading the creation of a single market for goods and services that would encompass a combined gross domestic product of $ 2.5 trillion. . The majority of the 55 members of the African Union have registered, although Nigeria, the largest economy on the continent, has not yet approved the proposal.

The question of trade could have another dimension for Kagame. "It seems that (Xi's) visit has been an opportunity to dig subtly in the United States – with which the country has a little commercial spit on the occasional clothes," added Jeffery. "Kagame sends a strong message to the United States – that Rwanda does not need the" paternalistic "version of Washington's help, he added." China and India are ready to invest in his country, "said Ellis

Xi and Modi travel to Africa before the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, which begins Wednesday. Xi's itinerary in Africa began in Senegal over the weekend, and will also include a stop in Mauritius after the meeting in South Africa. Meanwhile, Modi went to Uganda on Tuesday.

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