Congo confirmed end of Ebola outbreak | News


KINSHASA, Congo – Congo's latest outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus is over, the health ministry announced Tuesday, after a speedy response to limit its spread in rural areas and a city of more than 1 million people.

experts were used in the field of cancer-related events in Congo, the largest group of patients in the world.

There were 54 Ebola cases, including 33 deaths, in Ecuador province, the health ministry said.

"Although the scale of the crisis has been unprecedented, the speed and effectiveness of the response by the government and its partners were also exceptional, "Health Minister Dr. Oly Ilunga Kalenga said.

The outbreak posed a serious challenge when it spread to the city of Mbandaka and its more than 1 million residents. The other initial cases were in hard-to-reach rural areas without basic infrastructure such as electricity, making the vaccination efforts more difficult

"From the start, we have prepared for the worst of scenarios," the health minister said. "The fate of our city was quickly confirmed" with the spread to Mbandaka early in the year.

The city sits on the heavily traveled Congo River upstream of the capital, Kinshasa, and its 10 million residents. There was concern about the virus in Central African Republic.

The outbreak was declared over a 42-day observation period, equaling two 21-day incubation periods, with no new confirmed cases recorded.

"It's a great relief for us," said Dominique Ekila, a 44-year-old resident of Kinshasa. "Since May, I had traveled to Ecuador province to sell fish … With this announcement I will soon plan my next trip."

Esther Mavinga, who sells vegetables in Kinshasa, said she was grateful the outbreak was over.

"We were very worried that this epidemic would come to Kinshasa.

There is no specific treatment for Ebola, which is spread via contact with the bodily fluids of those infected, including the dead. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, and internal and external bleeding. The World Health Organization,

The World Health Organization, which played a major role in the outbreak and delivery of vaccines, Congolese Congo,

Dr. Ibrahima Soce Fall, the agency's regional emergencies director in Africa, called the response vastly improved after the devastating Ebola outbreak in West Africa that killed more than 11,300 people from 2014 to 2016. WHO, criticized for its slow response, went through a "profound reform "After that, he said,

The same day was published recently, the author was able to release $ 2,000,000. Purpose Dr. Stacey Mearns, Senior Health Coordinator of the International Rescue Committee's Emergency Response Team, warned against too much celebration.

"It's always good to see the end of an outbreak, but it's certainly not the end of Ebola in Congo. Ebola is endemic here, "she said. – (AP)

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