Court returns Family Bank staff to more than 20 million robberies


Four employees of Family Bank's Ruiru branch were arrested and charged on Tuesday for stealing more than 20 million shillings.

The four employees are Charity Wanjiku, Jane Wanjiru, Head of Banking, Security Officer Robert Nduriru and Supervisor of Operations Cyrus Mugo

They will remain under the custody of the Kiambu Police until July 24 , date on which the case will be evoked before the Chief Magistrate Stella Atambo

. Wambugu said some witnesses had not recorded any statements and that more suspects would probably be arrested for the theft of 20,808,343 shillings.

Investigators investigate offenses, including breakage and theft. , conspiracy to commit a crime and negligence to prevent a crime.

Lawyer Kimani Wakimaa objected to the investigator's request by saying that his three clients were trusted employees who ran the bank.

"My clients have the right to be released on bail and the DCIO has not designated a suspect, so he can not clearly indicate if any of them was involved in burglary. "Wakimaa said, adding that the suspects were not at risk of theft.

Attorney James Ngugi, who represents the other suspect, noted his client's right to liberty until charges were laid


" Being given that some of the witnesses are their colleagues, they can interfere with investigations, "she added.

Atambo stated, "Having reviewed the DCIO affidavit and the feelings of the attorneys for all the suspects, and because of the nature of the case and the amount involved, the DCIO is authorized to hold the suspects for seven days. "

Ruiru OCPD James Ng" etich, said the director of banking security John Muchiri report to work, he found the alarm of the bank tampered with and the fire alarm was vandalized.

The police believe that the crime was committed Saturday or Sunday night.The criminals entered the roof of the kitchen of the bank.

"They managed to access the vault by cutting the door at the door. 39, using welding gas cylinders and ATM machine using claws and welding gas. "

Police are looking for bank cleaners and kitchen staff who are at liberty

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