Data transfer project announced by Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter


<img width = "696" height = "392" class = "entry-thumb" src = " -1-696×392.jpg "srcset ="×392.jpg 696w, https: //cdn.technadu .com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Data-Transfer-Project-1-300×169.jpg 300w, Project-1-768×432.jpg 768w,×576.jpg 1024w, https: //cdn.technadu. com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Data-Transfer-Project-1-1068×601.jpg 1068w, -1-746×420.jpg 746w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Facebook Google, Google, Microsoft and Twitter will create a platform for data portability to allow data migration between multiple platforms made easy.
  • The four companies They expect the new platform to help users adopt new technologies easily without having to create multiple profiles for each service.
  • The platform will be secured with high-end protection features and will also have a governing body to oversee its development.
  • One of the biggest problems of using multiple Internet services is the need to create multiple user profiles. Four of the biggest giants in the industry are trying to solve the problem by offering a unique platform that will allow users to transfer their user data to create new cards without going through the registration phase each time. Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter have come together to offer a smart solution that can be used to create software and other tools for the data transfer project.

    With data leaks and data breaches more frequent than ever fully aware that the data transfer project must be secure. Microsoft and the other technology giants will assign a governing body that will oversee the development of the platform and its data usage policies. The new initiative will not only benefit users who want to sign up for multiple services, but it can also be used to work on authorization mechanisms and APIs to convert user data into a common format. . This will simplify data management for both users and social platforms.

    Microsoft Vice President of Corporate Standards Craig Shank said, "For people with low or low speed, service-to-service portability will be particularly important. When the constraints and infrastructure expenditures make the import and export of data to or from the user system impossible or impossible. The source code for the platform has already been published on GitHub and can be accessed by anyone interested. The new initiative by Microsoft and other technology giants can solve many data management problems encountered in the industry, and member organizations expect other companies to join the project. .

    What do you think of the data transfer project? ? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. In addition, for instant technical updates, follow the TechNadu Facebook page and Twitter handle.

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