David Spade recalls Kate Spade's beautiful spirit a month after his death


Family and friends continue to mourn the loss of Kate Spade .

More than a month after the fashion designer was found dead after an apparent suicide, David Spade speaks He shared positive memories of his beloved sister-in-law [19659003]. This morning, while he was appearing Good Morning America the comedian became serious when he revealed that the family was coming out as well as it could. "

" It was very hard and it's very nice that everyone came out of the wood, it really made an impact, "explained David to Robin Roberts . remember when we were going out, every girl with whom I was standing or someone around me knew that they would see Katie dress differently, they would bring their game. It was very kind "

He continued: She knew that they were doing this and saying a compliment, I would say that you do not dress me up and that they would go:" Yah is she and you are you. "»

Kate passed away, David took Instagram and paid tribute to her family member with a photo back

"Fuzzy photo but I love Kate and me during the photos Christmas family, "he shared with his disciples." We had so much fun that day, she was so strong and so fast that she could make me laugh so much that I stopped I still can not believe it. "

David added a Twitter post " Katy at the signing of my book, I love this picture of her, so pretty, I do not think that everyone knew how funny she was … it's a hard world, there are people. "

On June 21, the fashion icon was filed in Kansas City." She was honored at a Christian Mass and a funeral while her supporters were paying tribute to her by doing so. a donation to the ASPCA The brand Kate Spade New York also announced that she would donate more than a million dollars to suicide prevention and mental health causes.

David, he would donate $ 100,000 to the National Alliance for Mental Illness.

"She was so beautiful, so beautiful and so beautiful, that she will be missed", David shared the Good Morning America before the end of the interview.

If you or someone you know needs to get help, please call the national line of life suicide prevention at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

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