Denmark agrees, provided the funds are released


Dar es Salaam. Denmark reiterated that the payment of $ 9 million (22 billion shillings) to Tanzania would depend on the results of an ongoing review of the human rights and space situation. civic in the country.

A statement issued yesterday by the Danish Embassy said that a high-level delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the EU Member State had made a two-day visit in Tanzania during which human rights issues and the reduction of political space were discussed with Tanzania. government representatives.

"The delegation strongly encouraged the government to make concrete improvements on these issues. It was agreed to keep the dialogue open, "the statement added.

On Thursday, Foreign Minister Augustine Mahiga said that it was only a matter of time before the release of the blocked aid, following his meeting with the Permanent Secretary of Denmark in Ministry of Cooperation and International Development, Mr. Trine Thygesen, in the city.

He quoted the Danish official as saying that the European country was ready to pay the money once the other EU member states finalized the process of releasing budget aid to the EU. Tanzania.

This week's visit is part of an ongoing review of Danish development cooperation with Tanzania, which, according to donor partners, was motivated by the worsening of the country's human rights situation. Man and the reduction of civic space in the country.

"After a series of negative developments, the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation has decided to hold a payment of DKK 65 million (US $ 9 million) to the Tanzanian government until further notice and to conduct a thorough review. the situation, including consultations in Denmark, the United States and Tanzania, "the statement said.

"This would help determine if and in what form the funds will eventually be paid out," the statement said, revealing that the current review will continue over the next few months.

Denmark said the situation on the ground would be closely monitored in the dialogue with partners from both countries.

The Danish delegation also held consultations with members of the opposition and representatives of civil society; media and religious leaders, as well as international development partners.

"The delegation expressed its concern for human rights and democracy, including the reduction of the political and civic space, the rights of women and the protection of the LGBTI community and the repressive laws. ", the statement said.

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