Despite common genetic variants of obesity, obese children lose weight after lifestyle changes


Children genetically predisposed to overweight, due to common genetic variants, can still lose weight by changing their diet and exercise habits. About 750 overweight or obese children and adolescents undergoing an intervention to improve their lifestyle participated in the study conducted by researchers from the University of Copenhagen and from Holbæk hospital.

Overweight and obesity are a growing global problem that can lead to serious sequelae such as heart attacks, diabetes and cancer. In 2016, 124 million children and adolescents in the world were suffering from obesity. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the Children's Obesity Clinic of the Department of Pediatrics at Holbæk Hospital have examined the impact of genetics on children's ability and young people to lose weight in excess.

"We try to understand the genetic engine of overweight and if this force also prevents some from losing weight. We show that a high genetic predisposition to overweight during childhood has no influence on children's response to lifestyle intervention compared to children with low genetic susceptibility to overweight. The genetic variants we have studied are common in the population and are the ones that generally increase the risk of overweight in a child, "said Postdoc at the Basic Metabolism Research Center of the Novo Nordisk Foundation of Thérèse Maria Schnurr, of the UCPH. the authors of the study.

The new research results have just been published in the scientific journal Obesity. The goal of the researchers was to determine the influence of specific gene variants on the ability to lose weight in children and adolescents. Therefore, they studied the 15 variants of specific genes involved in obesity in children that are common in the population. In this study, researchers have shown that these genetic variants do not predict whether children and adolescents were able to lose weight when they changed their lifestyle. Until now, only children with a rare genetic mutation of the MC4R gene do not seem to lose weight when they undergo a lifestyle-related intervention.

Lifestyle intervention resulting in weight loss

The researchers examined 754 children and adolescents suffering from overweight and obesity. The median age was 11.6 years old. The genetic profile of all participants was mapped and the researchers then calculated a genetic risk score for overweight in the child for each participant based on the 15 genetic variants. They all carried one or more of the genetic variants associated with an increased risk of obesity and overweight during childhood. To determine if a genetic predisposition to overweight affected the ability of children and adolescents to lose weight, children had to implement a series of lifestyle changes.

They followed a treatment protocol developed at Holbæk Hospital. The protocol focuses on the family with lifestyle changes. For example, children and teens have had to change their diet, transportation, physical activity, sedentary activity, sleep duration, consumption of snacks and sugary foods, and social activities. The intervention lasted six to 24 months. Subsequently, the researchers followed the treatment and found that lifestyle changes had affected the weight of the participants, despite their genetic predisposition to overweight and obesity.

"A large part of the population believes that when you have problematic genes, it's the end of the game. That's why it's very important that we send a clear message: even if you have a genetic sensitivity this treatment can help people. We found that it did not matter whether children and adolescents had an increased genetic risk score. They can respond to treatment as well. This means that our treatment is effective despite the common obesity risk genes. This gives hope to people suffering from obesity and obesity-related complications, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and fatty liver, that we can actually help them Says one of the authors of the study, Jens-Christian Holm, physician and head of the Child Obesity Clinic, Holbæk Hospital.

Genetic markers

Genetic variants examined by researchers are common in the population and have no effect on the ability to lose weight during the procedure. Until now, researchers have found no biological marker indicating a poor response during a lifestyle intervention, with the exception of the rare MC4R gene associated with poor response. in terms of weight loss following a lifestyle intervention.

& # 39; MC4R is a rare genetic mutation and the question therefore remains to know why about 75% of children in a group of children receiving exactly the same treatment react more positively to treatment compared to the remaining 25% of children not responding to lifestyle treatment. The identification of additional common genetic markers would help us understand the biological pathways that affect a person's obesity and lifestyle changes – and thus help us provide even better treatments. "Says the professor at the Novo Nordisk Foundation for Basic Metabolic Research Torben Hansen, the latest author of the study.



Professor Torben Hansen

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +45 35337129

Associate Researcher and Dr. Jens-Christian Holm

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +45 26207533

Postdoc Thérèse Maria Schnurr

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +45 53632729

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