Diabetes linked to increased risk of developing cancer – study


Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer especially in women, according to a new study.

A review of 47 studies involving nearly 20 million people showed for the first time that women at risk for men to develop some form of the disease, the authors said. They warned that the differences between the sexes were not insignificant and needed to be resolved.

According to a study by the George Institute for Global Health, affiliated with the University of Oxford, women with diabetes are 27% more likely to develop cancer than women without the disease

Diabetes in men was linked to a higher risk of 19 percent, according to findings published in the journal Diabetologia . Overall, researchers found that women with diabetes were 6% more likely to develop a form of cancer than men with diabetes.

Dr. Sanne Peters, of the George Institute, said: less treated when they have diabetes symptoms, are less likely to receive intensive care and do not take the same doses of drugs as men. All of this could partly explain why women are at higher risk of developing cancer. But, without more research, we can not be certain. The differences we found are not insignificant and must be resolved.

Diabetic women are 11% more likely to develop kidney cancer, 13% chance of oral cancer, 14% risk of stomach cancer and 15% more chance of developing leukemia. report to men with the disease, the research found. According to the results, their risk of liver cancer was 12% lower than that of men with diabetes.

The senior author and researcher of the institute, Dr. Toshiaki Ohkuma, said, "The link between diabetes and the risk of developing cancer is now firmly established. We have also demonstrated for the first time that women with diabetes are more likely to develop some form of cancer and have a significantly higher risk of developing kidney cancers, orbit and lymphadenitis. stomach and leukemia.

doubled in the world in the last 30 years, but we still have a lot to learn about the disease. It is essential that we do more research to find out what is driving this phenomenon, and that people with diabetes and the medical community are aware of the increased risk of cancer for women and men with diabetes. »

– PA

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