Do you want to calculate your risk of heart attack or stroke? This new online tool will help


Ottawa researchers say their new online calculator can give an idea of ​​the risk of having a stroke or heart attack over the next five years

according to a study published in the Journal on Monday from the Canadian Medical Association. allows people to accurately predict their risk of hospitalization or death due to cardiovascular disease.

If the calculator reveals that the risk of a person is, for example, five percent, it means that five out of every 100 people with similar risk factors

Doctors … do not question you not necessarily on lifestyle factors that could put you at risk for heart attack or stroke. – Dr. Doug Manuel, Senior Scientist at The Ottawa Hospital [Traduction] "In cardiovascular disease, an ounce of prevention is worth being cured," said Dr. Doug Manuel, lead author of the paper and principal investigator at the Ottawa Hospital

. n Help people – and their care team – to learn about healthy lifestyles and reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke.

The calculator was based on data from Statistics Canada's health surveys. Website titled Project Big Life

Risk Number Based on a Healthy Lifestyle

Although the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease – One of the Leading Causes of Death in Canada – is Evaluated by Measuring Blood Pressure and cholesterol levels, the new basics of calculating his assessment of healthy lifestyle choices.

Using data from more than 100,000 Canadians, the calculator analyzes the following factors: alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity, and smoker.

The calculator also takes into account a person's stress level, ethnicity, immigrant status, socio-economic status, level of education, and age. diabetes or high blood pressure.

He then proposes a measure of the "age of the heart" of the person.

"Many people are interested in a healthy lifestyle, but often we do not have this discussion in the doctor's office," said Manuel, who is also a professor at the University of Chicago. 39, Ottawa

. your blood pressure and your cholesterol level, but they do not necessarily ask you about lifestyle factors that may cause a heart attack or stroke.

A new online tool calculates your risk in hope ways. 6:41
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