Dodoma soil potential of cotton cultivation


The revelation comes at a time when the government of the region should undertake a project to reorganize the culture of all cash crops that thrive in the region.

Regional Agricultural Officer Bernard Abraham told The Guardian in an exclusive interview yesterday that relevant research has proven the presence of black cotton floors in parts of Bahi, Chemba and Chamwino districts.

He challenged farmers in the region to effectively utilize this rare opportunity by engaging in larger cotton plantations to stimulate the economy of the region.

"Since there is a new crop in the area, I am aware that farmers will likely encounter different challenges, such as how to obtain quality seeds, but also, on recommended agronomic practices, "he said.

However, he stated that his office, in cooperation with other key authorities, was eager to support all farmers who will demonstrate their seriousness and willingness to embark on the cultivation of the prestigious commercial crop.

"We have prepared ourselves and we are also ready to support the farmers who will start growing cotton, all we need is the seriousness of the farmers," he assured [19659007]. Timoth Mmbaga, director of policy, planning and advocacy, said the council was also ready to provide technical support to enable farmers in the region to grow more professionally.

He stated that cotton was an essential raw material. As a result, the cotton industry has recently called on the government to launch a special offer to boost the performance of the cotton sub-sector in order to accelerate the industrial economy.

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