Does Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Split? Rumors are circulating again


Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth may have found each other after years apart, but now it looks like they've split up again. According to a history of OK! Australia (via The Daily Mail ), Hemsworth and Cyrus reportedly interrupted their engagement after agreeing on when they want to start a family at home. to come up. (Bustle reached out to Cyrus's agent and Hemsworth's representative for comment, but received no immediate response.)

UPDATE: Thursday afternoon, Entertainment Tonight confirmed that Hemsworth and Cyrus are still together. ET also noted that Hemsworth posted a story on Instagram with Cyrus, apparently closing rumors in this manner

EARLIER: A source close to the couple claimed in Australian magazine Hemsworth wants to have children sooner than expected, while Cyrus would like to wait a bit before settling into parental life. Apparently, Cyrus continues to postpone their marriage and Hemsworth is eager to start their family life, and that's what has caused friction between them, and because of that, Hemsworth is now reportedly quite sorry for having decided to go. different paths. But again, the couple did not confirm anything, so it may be better to take these rumors with a grain of salt.

"He wants children and does not want to continue to extinguish them, but it's not quite the time … had in mind … he's heartbroken," said Initiated to OK! . "Miley delayed preparations for the wedding and Liam was tired of getting tired … They had not heard for a few months." [19659006] In fact, the source continued to claim that Cyrus did not want to marry at all, but Hemsworth had hoped that she would change her mind despite family warnings about her.

I did not really want to get married, it's something that everyone seemed to have except Liam, "says the source. "[His] the family had been begging to see the light for a long time, but he had faith in Miley, now he feels like an idiot."

Of course, if this report is true, it is distressing that their relationship ends a second time, especially if it boils down to the fact that they disagree on what they are looking for in their future even if they still like it. Cyrus and Hemsworth were together after such a long separation, which seemed like a miracle for so many fans, so to hear that they could not make it work during the second round would be a huge disappointment.

But it is also important to question the validity of the report, as there is nothing to confirm if it is true. Dealing with rumors is a normal part of Hollywood relationships, after all, and this is not the first time that they are subject to them, whether they are good or bad. In fact, earlier this year, there were even rumors that they had secretly married, although that did not prove true.

Moreover, it's not as if this couple was down. Earlier this month, Cyrus and Hemsworth were seen playing with Kaitlyn Bristowe in Nashville, and according to what the witnesses said Us Weekly it does not appear that they are doing anything other than their own. To have fun with friends. really think that if they had called their wedding and were in the midst of a painful break, they were going to play with a former star Bachelorette ? Probably not, unless they both feel like having to go through the pain, which seems unlikely.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see if Cyrus and Hemsworth tell the fans what's going on. In the meantime, it does not make sense to worry too much about the state of their relationship because there are chances that they are always happy together and that they plan forever. Do not give up on believing in love yet.

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