DR Congo does not get much help even after the call, the UN worries


Many more people in the Democratic Republic of Congo could die if international donors do not provide new funding to meet the urgent needs of those affected by violence in the country's pockets, warned the agency United Nations Refugee Agency. 19659002] "The humanitarian appeal for the Democratic Republic of the Congo continues to be among the least funded in the world."

"So far, UNHCR has received only 17 per cent of the $ 201 million requested for protection UNHCR has stated in a statement

that the humanitarian situation in the DRC is deteriorated in the past year as a result of the intensification of conflicts in many parts of the country

In 2018, there was new fighting in North Kivu and inter-ethnic clashes in Ituri who displaced thousands of people.

Congolese refugees in a camp – DW

The UN said Friday that it had received reports of barbaric violence in the east of the country. Democratic Republic of Congo, warning that conditions for the 150,000 people returning to the area after fleeing intercommunal conflict are bleak.

He added that his staff had recently access to the Ituri region. month of conflict between Hema ethnic groups and Lendu

"The conditions are dark. An estimated 350,000 people have fled violence, and those who have returned to their homes often find that their villages and homes have been burned to the ground, which has displaced them again.

Armed groups attacked civilians with guns, arrows and machetes, whole villages were razed, and farms and shops were looted and damaged irreparably, "she added.

area was "huge", with schools, hospitals and other important infrastructure completely destroyed.

It also raised concerns about the high number of children with severe acute malnutrition who need urgent medical care.

Displaced Children – missionnewswire.org

The conditions at many IDP sites are also unsupportive, as they lack clean water, health care or sanita He fears that the humanitarian situation will worsen if funding gaps are not filled as soon as possible.

The DRC is one of the richest countries in the world in term natural resources are estimated at $ 24 trillion, including 3.2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, large deposits of iron ore, platinum, diamonds, gold and uranium and 106,270 square kilometers of arable land. [19659002HealthyMygreatHomesNumberNorthyearThousandForEuropeanDollars63ForWhilewerefollowedbythepoorofPoverty

Many blamed their situation on colonialism, slavery, corruption, and the incessant violence that has transformed the country. in one of the poorest.

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