Drama as Minister Lugola sends the head of the prisons out of the meeting place


The minister convened a strategic meeting with officials of the institutions and departments of the ministry in Dar es Salaam, where he announced the closing of the gates at exactly 11:00 am, thus refusing entry to latecomers, whatever their status. The prison chief then walked a few minutes after 11am.
Malewa's pleas for the Minister's pardon fell in the ear of a deaf man.

At the meeting, the minister ordered the ministry's permanent secretary to demote Mbeya SP Leopold Fungu's regional traffic officer for his failure to contain the recurrence of deadly road accidents in the region.

He also ordered the demotion of the chief of the fire department in the Kagera region, George Mrutu, for his failure to manage fires in the area.

According to the minister, Mrutu recently proved that he had failed in fighting a fire at the Lake Zone Driving College, claiming that he had no equipment to fight l & # 39; fire.

"Under the powers conferred upon me as Minister of Internal Affairs, I must take action against all officials and employees of the Ministry … So let me tell you that I will not spare anybody against the government's efforts "He said the two officers should have been fired from their jobs, but because it was a Friday, which, according to the minister, was his birthday, he would not dismiss them but retrograde.

The minister also said that his ministry was working on the mysterious killings and disappearances of various people to ensure that the perpetrators of the heinous crimes were caught and prosecuted.

"It is not true that the government was not working on the incidents.We are not at all happy with such incidents." Lugola on Thursday dissolved the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) and all the regional road safety committees for what he described as their inability to contain life-threatening recurrences. "According to him, after speaking with the NRSC chair and members of several regional committees, he had come to the conclusion that none of them knew what they were supposed to be monitoring – the Highway Code and its regulations.

"I am going to reconstitute the council and the committees, with some improvements, "he announced, saying that the entities had not fulfilled their basic mandate.

The new Minister of Internal Affairs also headed the Inspector General of Police Simon Sirro , take disciplinary measures Intentions against regional traffic officers in 10 police areas with the highest number of road accidents recorded recently.

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