Drugs and Alcohol Use Could Be a Mortality Factor for Liver Cancer


The opioid epidemic could have another negative consequence, mortality rates in people diagnosed with liver cancer.

The CDC published a study that showed that one in five diagnosed patients was alive after five years. ] Dr. Asad Javed of Mayo Health System in La Crosse think that the use of needles could help.

"The more dangerous injection practices there are, the more cases of hepatitis C," he said. with time, it will cause liver disease, cirrhosis, and this is what triggers liver cancer.

Overall, baby boomers are more likely than other adults to catch the disease. 2016.

Javed says that the treatment of liver cancer is not strong enough after a certain point.

"If they present us, at an advanced stage, what has been observed commonly in patients with liver cancer past so many years, with chemotherapy is the way forward," he said. "The control we get with only chemotherapy is not sustainable."

Javed added that contributing factors like alcohol dependence have not not helped either.

"The same causes of liver cancer are also rising" he said. "Behavioral aspects, like excessive consumption of alcohol, seem to increase in the population of some geographic areas of the world. United States "

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