East Africa: CAE is preparing to launch online to empower women


Arusha – A continental online platform to support women entrepreneurs was launched with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB).

The 50 million African Women's Networking Platform Project will provide financial and non-financial information to women entrepreneurs on the African continent, including the East African Community (EAC ).

"This would allow them to interact and develop their businesses," said Mary Makoffu, director of

She added that there were already such platforms for women to have. business in the region, but that the EAC was eager to associate and build on existing structures "to better achieve this project."

also implemented in three other regional blocks, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa) and the Economic Community of Southern African States. West Africa (Eco

"This is a good opportunity for business women in the respective regional economic communities (RECS) to penetrate the markets of other blocks"

To present the triennial project, the EAC secretariat recently organized meetings for the EAC's ministries responsible for gender, ICT, trade and affairs, as well as Civil society

Each Member State would then be required to form a team of countries to facilitate the collection of information.

The ministries responsible for gender in each country, which normally disburse funds to support economic activities. women, will be in charge of the 50MWS coordination.

"The 50MWS project will also help to reduce to zero the kind Mr. Wilson Muyenzi, coordinator of the project in the region

said that the women entrepreneurs targeted by the project and even those based in remote rural areas The phones

Achel Bayi, Project Manager at the EAC Secretariat, said mechanisms are being developed to support 50MWS after the end of AfDB funding.
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