EDITORIAL: Investing in agriculture


Yesterday, the Forum of the direction by the thought of Mwananchi (MTLF) was extended on the topic: "Agriculture, our sector of life".

Agriculture remains the central economic activity that supports many households in Tanzania. According to statistics, the sector employs about 70% of the active population and contributes about 25% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).

However, it has been said time and time again that much remains to be done to reinvigorate agriculture in order to increase its contribution to Tanzania's economic growth. Responding recently to questions from an MTLF reporter, Fred Kafeero, representative of the Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in Tanzania, said: "Tanzania needs to prioritize and transform his agriculture; strengthen political commitment; increase levels of public investment; double productivity and significantly reduce malnutrition ".

This transformation can be achieved by increasing the agriculture budget in accordance with the 2014 Malabo Declaration and the Maputo Protocol, but also by facilitating adequate land management through the issuance of title deeds. Armed with a title deed, a land occupant can access a bank loan and thus engage more effectively in development projects, including agriculture. Adequate investment in land and agriculture will lay the foundation for effective industrialization of the economy. Farmers need to be guided in ways that change their mindset and focus more on agriculture and business practices.

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