Elon Musk and Thai cave rescue: a tale of good intentions and bad tweets


Tech billionaire – and noted Twitter hothead – Elon Musk again wrote another surprising tweet Wednesday: an apology.

Musk had been attacked earlier this week after he casually referred to one of the British rescuers involved in rescuing the Thai cave as a "pedo guy" – which implies that He was a pedophile. Despite the immediate outcry, Musk initially refused to back down his comments

The subject of Musk's tweet, Vernon Unsworth, had slammed the technology leader's efforts to help rescue the cavern by building a sub- miniature sailor, "PR stunt" in an interview with CNN. In response, Musk launched his unfounded attack.

"His actions against me do not justify my actions against him, and for that I apologize to Mr. Unsworth and the companies I represent as a leader," Musk wrote on Wednesday. Nevertheless, his actions against me do not justify my actions against him, and for that I apologize to Mr. Unsworth and the companies I represent as a leader. The fault is mine and me alone

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 18, 2018

The musk is generally unleashed on Twitter without any retraction. (One of his recurring targets is the media, which he has repeatedly criticized for unflattering reports about Tesla.) But his comment "pedo" was widely considered shocking even for him.

The saga began with what appeared to be a promising philanthropic. Effort: After 12 young football players found themselves trapped in a cave in Thailand, Musk offered the help of SpaceX engineers and the boring company. He also deployed Tesla experts to help design a pod that could be used to transport the members of the football team that were stranded.

The boys were finally rescued during a massive international rescue operation with divers carrying them across the cave on stretchers – a mission that did not end up using the submarine of Musk.

While many praised Musk's efforts, a good many people (including Unsworth) made fun of his attempts to get involved in the rescue at all. This back and forth ended up culminating in one of Musk's insults on Twitter, with a series of insults to those who dare to attack his work.

Musk's critics seized on Twitter's latest attacks as an additional sign of his thin-skinned nature and his thoughtless temperament – something he said he was working on. As his recent remarks indicate, this effort could still be a work in progress.

July 4: Musk wonders if he can help with the rescue effort of the Thai caves

About a week after the Thai football team disappeared in the Tham Luang system Nang No cave, Musk has written a tweet asking if he could help rescue somehow.

"I suspect the Thai government has this control," he tweeted – which turned out to be the case – but the tweet showed that Musk was planning to intervene

July 6: Musk sends engineers to Thailand

Two days later, Musk posted on the sending of other experts to help with other needs in the field on the rescue site. Some of the technologies he tweeted included drills, water pumps and batteries.

It is not known if these efforts were used during the rescue, but Musk's tweets suggest that the engineers were on hand to provide other logistical aids. A SpaceX spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment

July 7: Musk's tweets on the construction of a "child-size submarine"

As a result of these conversations, he had the idea of ​​using a "child-sized submarine" that could help Thai boys trapped to safety.

Some wondered if Musk would be able to complete the project in time to contribute to the rescue, given the extreme pressure that the team was facing with impending rains. He seemed to think that he could – but suggested that the submarine might also be useful for future businesses – he did not play a role in the team's efforts this time around. .

He also gave an overview of the submarine tested in a Californian swimming pool.

July 9: Musk reports from Thailand

About a day later, Musk offered another Twitter dispatch after visiting "Cave 3", and said that he would leave the "mini-sous" in Thailand in case this could be useful down the line. As a Thai translator tweeted a few days later the Thai Navy merged with SpaceX engineers to discuss future applications of Musk's technology

July 10: All 12 players Thai are saved – without the submarine Musk

The last of the Thai players was successfully fired from the cave on July 10th. The divers helped the boys – who were equipped with diving masks – to cross the winding cave path on stretchers, writes Radhika Viswanathan of Vox.

Although rescuers first said that they were going to teach boys to come out of the flooded cave in the company of expert divers, on Wednesday we learned that instead, the boys had received medication and put stretchers before being overwhelmed. diver through the cave.

Musk cheered the rescuers after the success of the mission. The mini-submarine was not finally used.

This is where things started to sour: While Thai rescuers praised Musk's technology , some said that "for their plans." Although technology [Musk’s] is good and sophisticated, it's not practical for this mission, "said Narongsak Osatanakorn, chief of the joint command center overseeing the Operation, at the Guardian

Musk quickly retaliated at Osatanakorn, noting that he was "not the expert in the field", and expressed doubts as to his references, According to The Guardian, Musk added that Osantanakorn had been "mistakenly described as a lifeguard."

He then shared his correspondence by email with Richard Stanton, a member of the team. rescue, in order to prove his point of view, his attempt to help

July 11: A Twitter user challenges Musk to help in Flint

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