Eskom is not sustainable, warns its president, Jabu Mabuza


It's just unsustainable to continue as they did … Politically, the President will make tough choices … The only man who has a plan …

Chris Yelland, EE Editor

Eskom announced Wednesday a pre-tax loss of 11.2 billion rand for the current fiscal year.

Utilities announced a profit of R671 million in the six months to the end of September, but said their results over the next six months would be affected by a wage agreement with unions, maintenance costs higher and coal shortages.

In its current state, Eskom is not sustainable.

Jabu Mabuza, president of Eskom

Eskom announced a profit of 6.3 billion rand in the first half of 2017/18 fiscal year, before falling to a loss of 2.3 billion rand for the whole year .

Eskom's debt reached R 419 billion at the end of September, up from $ 367 billion a year earlier.

The show of moneyS Bruce Whitfield Interview with Chris Yelland, EE Publishers Energy Expert.

Listen to the interview in the audio below (and / or scroll the screen to get more quotes).

Today, we have seen a very frank and open disclosure of Eskom's critical financial situation.

Chris Yelland, EE Editor

They can regain their operational performance where it needs to be … On the financial side … the reality is that South Africa's policy … will not allow Eskom to do what it wants with its prices …

Chris Yelland, EE Editor

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