Ethiopia will launch its first satellite in 2019. But with the help of China.


China everywhere. But this is not the object of today, so let's stay guided. Ethiopia seems to have been buzzing since the election of young Progressive Prime Minister Abiy and his first female president, Sahle-Work Zewde. It is now planned to launch the first satellite of the Earth Observatory in September 2019. The satellite will be launched from China, while the control and command station will be in Ethiopia. LOL, as it means something.

Most preliminary and critical designs are done by our scientists, "says Dr. Solomon Belay Tessema, Senior Scientist and General Manager of the Ethiopian Institute of Space Science and Technology at the University of Addis Abeba (they have it too!). Ethiopia stated that the space initiative has two main objectives. The first is to build the capacity and skills of our engineers' technology applications through collaborations with scientists and institutions from different countries. They will be able to design, build and launch the second satellite independently. The second, as stated by the director general of the institute: "The first satellite of Ethiopia will be mainly intended to collect data relating to water, at the same time. agriculture, climate change and the protection of the environment. " Currently, 20 Ethiopian engineers are involved in the launch and design of the first satellite.

China provided $ 6 million in financial support, in addition to training and launch costs.

In addition to the 20 Ethiopian space engineers, there are currently about 60 PhD students. and Master's students at the Institute of Space Science and Technology of the University of Addis Ababa, which teaches them in collaboration with the observatory and research center Entoto and many universities of whole world. Astronomy and astrophysics, space applications for space science, remote sensing and geodesy are the four main areas currently studied by students. Students from other African countries such as Rwanda and Tanzania are also students.

Reports show that in Africa, South Africa and Algeria have already launched their own communications satellite on orbit, while Egypt has ordered one to the Airbus Assembly in Toulouse. Ghana would also be developing its own satellite.

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