Ethiopian Prime Minister gives final warning to "instigators of chaos" – Xinhua


ADDIS ABABA, July 15 (Xinhua) – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Sunday warned "instigators of chaos" that they had been given one last chance to give up their "destructive activities".

Ahmed said in recent weeks that violent clashes in the states of southern Somalia, Oromia and Ethiopia have left many dead and many mourning for their lost loved ones.

The PM did not specifically identify the instigators of the chaos. learn the value of peace and love before taking action against their misdeeds.

Ethnic conflicts in southern states, Oromia and Somali in recent weeks have left more than one million Ethiopians displaced and an unknown number of deaths

The warning of Ahmed intervenes while the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Friday that more than 800,000 displaced people were living without proper shelter and sanitation in Ethiopia.

The Emergency Response Fund (CERF) released Thursday $ 15 million to urgently increase humanitarian assistance to those affected by the escalation of intercommunal violence. Ethiopia.

Ethiopia follows a model of ethnic federalism credited with self-governance However, some critics argue that the model of ethnic federalism magnifies ethnic diversity to the detriment of national unity, resulting in tensions and occasional ethnic conflicts.

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