False teeth found in the patient's throat a week after the operation


Dentures on the radiograph of the throatCopyright of the image
BMJ 2019 Case Reports


The doctors found the fake teeth of the man in the throat eight days after his initial surgery

The false teeth of a patient remained stuck in the throat during a routine operation and were not found until eight days later.

The 72-year-old doctor complained of difficulty swallowing and had spat blood before doctors discovered the prosthesis.

He has had several visits to the hospital, several surgeries and blood transfusions to correct complications related to routine abdominal surgery.

The James Paget University Hospital in Norfolk announced that it had changed its processes.

The case details of the man appeared in the journal BMJ Case Reports, in which the authors recommend that false teeth be removed before general anesthesia.

Six days after an operation to remove a harmless mass from his abdominal wall in 2018, the man went to A & E, informing doctors of his inability to eat solid foods.

Copyright of the image
BMJ 2019 Case Reports


The obstruction caused difficulty in eating, breathing and sleeping

Doctors at Great Yarmouth Hospital thought it was a respiratory infection and side effects of having a tube in the throat during a surgical procedure. They prescribed antibiotics and steroids.

When the man came back two days later, the medical staff leaned over his throat and voice box and discovered a half-circle object lying on his vocal cords.

He then told the doctors that he had lost his dentures – three false teeth and a roof plate – during his stay at the hospital for his operation.

After removal of the prosthesis, he was discharged but returned four more times with bleeding.

By the time the surgeons had cauterized the sore throat, he had lost so much blood that he needed a blood transfusion.


The James Paget University Hospital stated that "lessons learned have been shared with staff"

The report's authors stated that there had been other documented cases of dental prostheses having been inhaled during anesthesia.

The presence of false teeth or dental plaque should be recorded before and after the surgery, they added.

Hazel Stuart, medical director of the James Paget University Hospital, said that a thorough investigation had taken place.

"As a result, the processes were reviewed, modified as needed, and lessons learned were shared with the staff," she said.

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