Festivals launched by Africans enslaved in the Caribbean and still celebrated today


Festivals around the world are celebrated for many reasons. Most of them are organized to mark the beginning or the end of an important event or to celebrate historical events that continue to affect the lives of the inhabitants of a given place.

In Africa, festivals are marked to celebrate the gods, harvest food or to remind people who have served a community and died for the survival of many people.

During the slave trade, many Africans were forced to leave their homes and forced to work in plantations in the Caribbean and in other parts of the western world.

Even if they were denied their rightful place and connection to Africa, many of them fought to preserve their culture and practices. Over time, they developed their own traditions and lifestyles, which were a fusion of African and Western practices.

By developing such unique cultures, enslaved Africans in the Caribbean also had different reasons for starting festivals to preserve history and culture.

Here are four very popular Caribbean festivals that began during slavery and continue to be celebrated today by attracting tourists from around the world.

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