Fortnite Challenges: Search Between, Treasure Maps, and How to Ride Fast Before Season 5


The next major launch of Epic Games at Fortnite: Battle Royale is fast approaching, as the release of Season 5 is approaching this week. The new season begins on July 12th, deadline for season 4 and its challenges. This means that if you have purchased the Season 4 Battle Pass and have not yet achieved all of its goals – maybe you are a new player on Nintendo Switch – you have very little time to do it and earn skins and rewards before they go away. Here are some tips on the challenges to take up first and how to maximize the time that you have left.

In choosing the challenges to take up with your limited time, it is best to take into account the time they take, their difficulty and what are the rewards. You receive five Battle Stars for completing the most challenges, or 10 for those that epic labels say "Hard". Some are legitimately hard; winning a match can be something completely unreasonable for you, so it's the one you prefer to jump. But despite being called hard, some challenges are actually quite easy and quick to complete, provided you are ready to resort to a guide. Considering that you are reading this and that you have a few precious hours, you probably count yourself in this group. And if you are not, you might want to take a look at what skins and cosmetics are up for grabs until the end of the season;

Priority 1: Treasure Maps and Research Between

Among the recurring challenges, epic offerings are those that require you to search between objects vaguely described and those that have belonged to you. follow a treasure map. Searching between these can be difficult if you do not play a lot or pay attention to the map, but they simply involve going to a specific point and collecting a floating battle star. This means that you can just look at a map and parachute up to that point at the beginning of a match and almost guarantee you a fast and easy 10-star battle

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Similarly, treasure maps may seem daunting, but they are not accompanied by a guide. While you are free to go to the place that is named – Haunted Hills, Pleasant Park, and so on – it's just busy if you have a guide. These maps give you an idea of ​​where you should go on the island, and as for the "search between" challenges, you can just look at a map, see where you need to go and where you are going. return to the very beginning of a match. It's as fast as these challenges, they are worth 10 Battle Stars each, and you should be able to do them constantly before someone can kill you.

Every 10 weeks of season 4 had one of those two challenges guys. You can check our guides through the links below for a map and instructions on how to reach each location.

Priority Two: Quick Strokes

Although they can not give 10 Battle Stars as the challenges mentioned above, others that can be accomplished quickly and easily in one life. For example, you can consume seven Hop Rocks, which are a new type of item added at the beginning of season 4 that allows you to jump higher up temporarily. These are found in a variety of places, but landing at Dusty Divot early in a game will provide you with an abundance of hop stones to consume; Just walk around the perimeter of the base installed there and you'll find purple rocks everywhere. This has the benefit of taking care of another object that requires you to consume hop stones, apples or mushrooms, all of which are quite new consumable items found around the map.

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Also Consider: Stacking Your Goals and Gathering Your Friends

All of the above challenges are your best bet to quickly improve your Battle Pass. Once you have done that, there are still plenty of others to improve you and get the most desirable rewards. To do this effectively, carefully consider the challenges you face and see which ones overlap. For example, you can work on gun eliminations and deal damage to opponents with guns. And if you can do it at one of the places where you are specifically asked to get some eliminations, so much the better. Alternatively, head somewhere where you have to open the chests (do not forget to check the attics) and then rack up a few attacks to deal with chest challenges, damage and elimination at the same time.

Plus, if you have friends playing, now is the time to party. One of the Starter Challenges that everyone can do (Battle Pass or not) is to play 10 games with friends; This only requires you to join a match together. As long as you can have three friends, join the building near Loot Lake to dance and raise the disco ball – something that might be hard to do in a public game otherwise.

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