Fortnite Playground: When Playground Mode V2 Releases on PS4 and Xbox? | Games | Entertainment


Epic Games was busy this week celebrating the debut of Fortnite hits on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch and Mobile.

And having released one of the most popular games in the world, the development

One of them will be launched this week, the Fortnite Playground Mode V2 will be online on Wednesday, July 25th.

Epic Games does not reveal any release date will want to keep an eye on Fortnite social media feeds.

Based on how things have been done in the past, it seems likely that the playground will be back in the late morning UK time. We already know that the original Playground mode was an LTM that offered fans the opportunity to explore the island without fearing an untimely exit.

Problems with launching servers were a problem for Epic Games, which was supposed to delay the release.

The server problems were solved and the LTM Playground was relea sed, quickly becoming a popular training exercise.

But as it was simply a limited-time mode, it meant that it would inevitably be removed and replaced with something else.

WHEN THE GAMES GAME MODE WILL COME [19659002] Playground Mode V2 is the next evolution of Epic Games' drive idea, which seeks to make it a fashion permanent in the future.

As the V2 suggests in the title, the development team made some changes to

Epic Games tries to make Playground Mode a low-pressure environment where friends can unleash their creativity

This means being able to build massive structures and train with new weapons and objects.

So, when the mode returns tomorrow, fans can be reassured that they will still be able to fight against their friends.

However, it should be noted that this will not be the permanent version of the mode, but another iteration that will disappear in early August

Below you will find Fortnite patch notes on what has changed in the Playground mode :


  • Players can now change teams in the game. Join the same team to work together creatively, join separate teams to train against each other!

Note: Voice chat will remain enabled in all teams, future mode iterations will provide more customization. using a joystick against players of an opposing team

  • The games will not end if a player leaves the server
  • Golf carts have been added and appear at 100%
  • ] Gray vending machines removed increased the chances of higher-level machines appearing.
  • Increased probability of launching a launcher and a rebound
  • Displacement of forced glider lowered so that players could return to action
  • Increase in maximum number of rocket ammunition at 60.
  • Increased number of rocket ammunition
  • Added 100 drops of supply
  • Chests now produce 3 weapons and more ammunition and consumables than normal. loot now generates 3 items.
  • Increas Chug Jug and Slurp Juice create chances, decrease bandages.
  • Chug Jugs Added to Loot
  • Respawn Timer lowered from 10s to 3.
  • Mode Details
  • Drop in the Battle Royale map alone or with
  • Players reappear immediately, unless # 39, they are eliminated by the Storm
  • . The Storm does not start getting closer for 55 minutes and takes 5 minutes to get closer.
  • Resources from the harvest increased by ten times the normal amount
  • 100 lamas will appear on the map
  • Chests and ammunition boxes appear 100% of the time
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