Fans begged Ubisoft for a game Assassin's Creed where one can go through several periods. It is the ultimate form of bringing historical adventures to life in a way that we have never seen before. Well, all that, asking, begging, imploring, and hoping can finally come true. Ubisoft is studying the design concept of future franchise games Assassin's Creed that allow you to travel between different periods and live more of an open world adventure during the course of your life. the same time. [19659002SelonunarticlepubliésurlesiteWebd'UbisoftlesfutursjeuxpeuventincluredesvoyagesàtraversplusieurspériodesdansdifférentsendroitsavecdespersonnagesdifférentsletoutenuneseuleexpériencedejeuSelonlevice-présidentexécutifdustudiocanadiend'UbisoftLionelRaynaudlatechnologienaissantedanslesdéveloppementsmatérielspermettradefairelesautdetemps
So what Raynaud speaks refers to both the physical memory storage and storage & # 39; access to memory. In either case, you will need a lot of memory and a very fast memory bandwidth to be able to jump between different periods in an efficient and timely manner. In most games Assassin's Creed since they use shared assets across different gaming regions spread across the giant map of the open world, it facilitates the loading and loading of resources which remain in memory.
If you transfer to a completely different era, it means changing the NPCs so that they have different clothes and behavior, change the buildings for that they represent the period, change the effects of the weather if it is located in another part of the world, complete modification of features such as transport, roads, weapons and sound effects. All these assets occupy the memory, and the higher their fidelity, the greater the memory is important
This is usually the reason why modders import previous game cards into new games, such as Grand Theft Auto and high-end textures and replace templates, you usually need a lot of spare physical memory free to load all these new assets. That's roughly doubling the size of the game. When you move from one area to the other and it has to be loaded, all the old areas and resources need to be cleaned from the RAM. and the new elements must be loaded, which can be extremely penalizing for the equipment. Ubisoft experimented slightly with different periods in Assassin's Creed: Unity but it was a small area in a small segment of the game.
What Reynauld is talking about, c & # 39; is a new hardware with faster bandwidth (which can reduce load times) will make possible the exploration of multiple times and worlds without this being too much of a penalty for hardware.
Reynauld also uses Far Cry and Watch Dogs as examples of games that could also benefit from this emerging technology, stating that teams could implement multiple worlds or cities or places into one. only gaming experience.
The VP is obviously talking about upcoming gaming consoles, but until now, neither Sony nor Microsoft have announced new technologies … yet. If he has already had access to the specifications, that could say a lot about the scope of the games we can expect the next generation.
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