GBV is a global fight – Wina


Vice President Inonge Wina said the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence is a global struggle to rid society of the inhuman treatment of another human being.

Ms. Wina stated that the government had put in place the necessary legal and policy framework to address the vice and had so far set up six fast track courts for prompt issuance of justice.

The Vice President said that every member of society should take concrete, honest and open measures to stop abusive behavior towards each other, as this attitude is dehumanizing.

She stated that gender-based violence can take the form of physical, emotional, verbal, sexual and sometimes subtle violence, leaving the victim with a lesser being.

The Vice President addressed the media in Bangkok, Thailand.

She said the 16 days of gender-based violence, also observed by Zambia, was part of an international campaign to combat violence against women and girls.

Since then, Ms. Winahas warned against the perception that only women would be victims of gender-based violence, adding that a growing number of men were also victims of vice.

She challenged the church and other religious organizations to schedule time to deal with violence at home during services.

Ms. Wina congratulated the traditional leaders who responded positively to calls to discourage abuse of girls.

This is reflected in a statement by the Permanent Secretary for Administration in the office of Vice President Stephen Mwansa.

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