Governor Rasanga refuses the search for safety while Anyang & # 39; Nyong & # 39; o allows


The governors of Kisumu and Siaya County showed on Monday contrasting attitudes towards a search for security while former US President Barack Obama visited K & # 0; Ogelo

At the launch of the Sauti Foundation Auma Obama's Kuu in Bondo, the governor of Siaya's importance after he refused to undergo a security check because of his status as host governor. In fact, reports indicate that the county head threatened to return home if security insisted that he considered public humiliation

"I am the governor of this county, I will not be searched ".

Unable to handle the stalemate, KK Security security officers transferred responsibility to a secret service agent stationed at the gate

The officer confirmed to security guards that Rasanga was indeed governor and allowed him to enter with his deputy James Okumbe.

Journalists in the field reported that Rasanga's bodyguard was searched after attempting to fight his way through a firearm.

Meanwhile, Anyang Nyong's Rasanga while he patiently stood in line with other guests and allowed the security personnel to pat him. His assistant Mathews Owili also did the same.

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