Govt to launch the call for tenders for electric trains


In an interview with the Guardian, the Tanzania Railway Corporation's executive director, Masanja Kadogosa, said that more than forty local and international companies had shown interest in the bids.

build the 2,561 km of SGR linking Dar es Salaam to Mwanza on the shores of Lake Victoria and Kigoma on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in the next five years.

Once completed, it should connect the ports of the Indian Ocean. The Executive Director stated that the review process was completed and that at "I would assure all bidders that the process of obtaining the winner will be free and fair." We are finalizing the procurement procedures and when it's over, the public will be informed. "

" Our state railroad – TRC is looking for supply locomotives, including 14 freight trains or 19 electric trains "Kadogosa explained that once the construction of the RMS is completed, Tanzania would become the first country in the region to use high speed.

The construction of the RMS began in April of last year, with the first phase consisting of a 205 km electric railway line from the port city of Dar es Salaam to Morogoro in central Tanzania, the $ 1.2 billion line under construction by the Turkish company Yapi Merkezi and the Portuguese company Mota-Engil, is expected to be completed by November 1 of next year.

On January 2, the government announced a call for tenders for the supply of electric trains for use on the Normal Track Railway (SGR), which is currently in the early stages of construction

. Announcement of the tender also revealed that the former holding company Reli-Asset supply, testing and commissioning of 14 electric locomotives for freight trains and five multiple electrical units (EMUs).

The EMU is an electric passenger train equipped with self propelled carts that use electricity as a motive force. The EMU does not require any separate locomotive because the electric traction motors are incorporated in one or more of the carriages.

He also sought to supply three electric locomotives for departmental trains, 15 first class coaches and 45 economy class coaches.

According to the notice of tender, the government, through Rahco, had already set aside funds in the year 2017/18 for the year. purchase of rolling stock.

"It is intended that part of the proceeds from the funds will be used to cover the eligible market payment for the supply, testing, commissioning and training of rolling stock for RMS The railway system had to operate in the central rail corridor of Tanzania, "reads in part of the announcement announcing the call for tenders.

He also sought to supply two diesel locomotives for freight trains, 600 flat cars, 500 cars, 50 bulk cars, 70 dump cars, 50 ballast tank cars and 50 double-lined container cars.

According to the notice, the prequalification would be carried out by international tender call p. the procedures provided by the Public Procurement Law No. 7 of 2011 as amended in 2016, the 2013 Public Procurement Regulation amended in 2016.

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