Green waste management company collects waste in the Dodoma region


City director Godwin Kunambi said yesterday in Dodoma that the green waste business has been awarded a three-year contract in eight neighborhoods for essential environmental health standards in health care.

19659002] He said that for many years, cleaners have had to face many hygiene challenges such as lack of gloves, sanitary equipment, uniforms and oral masks. We have formal uniforms, boots, garbage cans, mouth masks, sanitary equipment and modern machinery to increase efficiency, "he said.

Kunambi explained that green waste will work with all care groups that will allow them to provide all social services in the city, including health insurance services and join social fund schemes.

"We are making efforts to make the city clean and we must take care of anyone who throws garbage in the city and will be liable to a fine of 50,000 / – or a penalty of $ 50,000. imprisonment for at least one year or two, "he said Psychologically prepared from now on to move to Nalla where a dump was built

" We realized that garages pollute our environment and that's why we located the special area for truck collectors and garages

General Manager Abdallah Mbena said that the company was working in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza before signing a contract with the city of Dodoma.

Mbena stated that the company had vehicles that sweep and pick up garbage. He said it's hard for cleaners to work on the road while vehicles are being used

"We have a compactor that will be used to clean roads and provide safety because the vehicles are mentioned as one of the challenges they face. 19659002] The president of the sanitary groups, Richard Lazaro, thanked the city leaders for privatizing eight neighborhoods at Green Waste Company and providing uniforms, facilities, modern vehicles and machinery.

"We are pleased to hear that Green Waste will provide all social services and health services such as health insurance and social funds," said Lazaro

The areas that will be under The Green Waste Company are Madukani, Tambuka Reli, Uhuru, Viwandani, Kandege, Makole and Majengo while the remaining 34 neighborhoods will be under the administration of the city.

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