Hackers target information about Dell customers


The computer giant Dell announced Wednesday that it had attempted an attack on its network earlier this month.

On November 9, Dell detected and disrupted an attempt to retrieve Dell.com customer information from its network, including names, email addresses, and hashed passwords. has not been described. Dell has not described the hash algorithm used to hide passwords.

"While it is possible that some of this information was removed from Dell's network, our investigations revealed no conclusive evidence of their extraction," Dell said in a statement.

Dell said the credit card of its customers and other sensitive information was not covered by the offense and that the incident had not disrupted its services.

After detecting the hacking, Dell announced a reset of the password, contacted the forces of the order and appealed to a digital forensics company to conduct an independent investigation.

Dell declined to say how many accounts could have been affected by a breach.

"As there is a voluntary disclosure and there is no conclusive evidence that the customer's account information was extracted, it would be imprudent to publish potential numbers while There may not be one, "said a spokesman for Dell in a statement sent via email.

First publication on November 28th at 15:47 PT.
Update, 7:25 pm: Adds a Dell comment.

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