Half Lovato suffers from an apparent overdose of heroin, "awake and reactive" to the hospital


Demi Lovato

Apparent Overdose of Heroin

'Awake and Responsive & # 39;

24/07/2018 12:51 PDT


3:13 PM PT – Demi's aunt, Kerissa Dunn, posted on social networks that Demi is "awake and responsive".

1:48 PM PT Paramedics found half unconscious when they arrived at his house .

1:28 PM PT – Police forces tell us that Demi was treated with Narcan – an emergency treatment for overdoses of narcotics – at her home. Half was out Monday night celebrating the birthday of a friend in West Hollywood, and we are told that she posted photos on her private Instagram of herself and other members of the group. . Demi Lovato was taken urgently to the Los Angeles hospital after suffering from a heroin overdose, the police told TMZ

. transported by ambulance from a house in the Hollywood Hills just before noon Tuesday, and is currently being processed. We do not know his condition.

Half has battled drug addiction for years … at one point, she lived in a sober house after being released from a treatment center. She had been sober for 6 years with alcohol, cocaine and Oxycontin

Last month, she released a song entitled "Sober" where she revealed that she had fallen from the wagon

played Sunday at the Mid-Fair of California at Paso Robles with Iggy Azalea .

She was scheduled to leave on the road this week for a forthcoming show in Atlantic City, but our sources say that she was struggling

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