Here are some American losers in Trump's trade war in China

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Traders at NYSE on July 12, 2018 in New York The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 224 points yesterday Investors doubt of a prolonged trade war with China (Photo by Spencer Platt / Getty Images)

Apparently, we are fighting a trade war, say it on the US stock market, which hit emerging markets in the last 12 months, six months, three months and since the beginning of the year Yeah, we beat them too.

But, alas, the win can not be won forever And the latest $ 200 trillion Trump Administration list on Chinese imports promises to make some fuss in some sectors For example, due to tariffs, US steel prices are expected to be higher in the long run because rising demand for steel is expected. domestic steel "free of customs duties" Harley-Davidson, said it will produce more in Europe for its customers there rather than exporting from the United States threaten offshore production either to avoid tariffs, or to serve more profitably foreign markets that have adopted retaliatory measures. The other option is to charge more to consumers, resulting in inflation and – perhaps – higher interest rates. And then there is this bull market quietly grazing.

Likes or hates him (and a slight majority still hates him a little) Trump is the boss of the trade. The president still retains the power over foreign trade.

The Cleveland-based Freedonia group said Thursday in a 21-page white paper that "the impact is still uncertain for many industries." Some companies are already benefiting from recent actions, but others will be forced to increase their prices, relocate their production abroad or, in the worst case, close their shop.

The hardest hit

The tariffs for steel and aluminum have important implications for the US fasteners industry, which uses intensely steel and aluminum manufactured abroad. Because fasteners compete primarily on the price of raw materials, U, S. At the end of June 2018, Mid Continent Nail, a privately held company, made the headlines as a poster of Trump's commercial missteps . The biggest manufacturer of nails in the country said that he would fire 60 workers and warn him of his complete arrest if he was not able to obtain a tariff exemption . The exemptions take months.

They even became political, stating that they could move to Mexico because of Trump. This would be a complete reversal of headlines in 2016 from an air conditioning company called Carrier saying that she was moving a factory to Mexico. Trump went bananas.

Manufacturers of hand tools – especially those who import these raw materials for the manufacture of metal parts and tools –

will have to raise prices. This bazaar in Lowes is going to cost more money.

Batesville Tool & Die, another private company, also said it could move some of the production overseas, according to Freedonia.

Steel and aluminum tariffs came into force and effects Caterpillar sewing machine. Their stock is down 10% in the last three months while the S & P 500's trade higher.

March tariffs also hurt a relatively unwise industry: metal roofing. The US demand for metal roofing – which is already more expensive than that of competing products – is likely to suffer as consumers opt for other types of roofing for warehouses and other small storage facilities. . This has not yet hurt during the actions of the biggest suppliers. Shares of NCI Building Systems are up 31% as investors are expecting higher prices paid by their clients.

Despite the Trump administration 's intention to support domestic auto production, these tariffs may undermine it. Not only will consumers absorb the higher costs associated with imports of vehicles and auto parts, but automakers will also feel the heat at the production level, with tariffs on steel and aluminum imports causing even higher costs for vehicles manufactured in the United States. players in the LED space (lights) will be worse off than biggies like GE. Ledvance, a producer of Sylvania's LED bulbs

may face challenges in the future, warns Freedonia. Anyway, Ledvance is not even an American company anymore. It was acquired by China MLS Company in April.

The list is longer, of course, and is expected to grow by the end of August. It was then that the Trump administration would have heard the public's view on the new property of $ 200 billion provided for additional rights.

Up to now, the market was looking for evidence that publicly traded companies were affected by the trade war. Nothing has happened yet. The country of steel hires. And some companies relocate through corporate tax cuts and regulatory reduction.

In most cases, investors are not betting on a real trade war. But after threats of an additional $ 200 billion in jobs, global investor Mark Mobius said Trump was increasing the risk of a global financial crisis. It predicts that the riskiest markets, led by China, will drop by at least 10% by the end of the year


Traders in New York on the 12th July 2018. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 224 points Investors doubt a protracted trade war with China (Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images)

Apparently, we are waging a trade war, let's say that to the US stock market, which hit the emerging markets over the last 12 months, Yes, we beat them too

But, alas, the win can not be won forever And the latest $ 200 billion listing of the For example, due to tariffs, US steel prices are expected to be higher in the long run, as the increased demand for Canadian steel "free of customs duties "raises prices upwards, and as a result, at least One company, Harley-Davidson, said that it would produce operate for its customers there rather than exporting from the United States. Others are threatening offshore production either to avoid tariffs or to more profitably serve foreign markets that have adopted retaliatory measures. The other option is to charge more to consumers, resulting in inflation and – perhaps – higher interest rates. And then there is this bull market quietly grazing.

Likes or hates him (and a slight majority still hates him a little) Trump is the boss of the trade. The president still retains the power over foreign trade.

The Cleveland-based Freedonia group said Thursday in a 21-page white paper that "the impact is still uncertain for many industries." Some companies are already benefiting from recent actions, but others will have to raise their prices, relocate their production or, in the worst case, close their doors.

The Hardest Hit

The tariffs of steel and aluminum implications for the US industry fasteners, which is an intensive user of steel and steel Made of aluminum manufactured abroad. Because fasteners compete primarily on the price of raw materials, U, S. At the end of June 2018, Mid Continent Nail, a privately held company, made the headlines as a poster of Trump's commercial missteps . The biggest manufacturer of nails in the country said that he would fire 60 workers and warn him of his complete arrest if he was not able to obtain a tariff exemption . The exemptions take months.

They were even politicized, stating that they could move to Mexico because of Trump. This would be a complete reversal of headlines in 2016 from an air conditioning company called Carrier saying that she was moving a factory to Mexico. Trump went bananas.

Manufacturers of hand tools – especially those who import these raw materials for the manufacture of metal parts and tools –

will have to raise prices. This drop at Lowes will cost more money.

Batesville Tool & Die, another private company, also said that it could move some of the production overseas, according to Freedonia.

Steel and aluminum tariffs came into force and effects Caterpillar sewing machine. Their stock is down 10% in the last three months while the S & P 500's trade higher.

March tariffs also hurt a relatively unwise industry: metal roofing. The US demand for metal roofing – which is already more expensive than that of competing products – is likely to suffer as consumers opt for other types of roofing for warehouses and other small storage facilities. . This has not yet hurt during the actions of the biggest suppliers. Shares of NCI Building Systems are up 31% as investors are expecting higher prices paid by their clients.

Despite the Trump administration 's intention to support domestic auto production, these tariffs may undermine it. Not only will consumers absorb the higher costs associated with imports of vehicles and auto parts, but automakers will also feel the heat at the production level, with tariffs on steel and aluminum imports causing even higher costs for vehicles manufactured in the United States. players in the LED space (lights) will be worse off than biggies like GE. Ledvance, a producer of Sylvania's LED bulbs

may face challenges in the future, warns Freedonia. Anyway, Ledvance is not even an American company anymore. It was acquired by China MLS Company in April.

The list is longer, of course, and is expected to grow by the end of August. It was then that the Trump administration would have heard the public's view on the new property of $ 200 billion provided for additional rights.

Up to now, the market was looking for evidence that publicly traded companies were affected by the trade war. Nothing has happened yet. The country of steel hires. And some companies relocate through corporate tax cuts and regulatory reduction.

In most cases, investors are not betting on a real trade war. But after threats of an additional $ 200 billion in jobs, global investor Mark Mobius said Trump was increasing the risk of a global financial crisis. He predicted that the riskiest markets, led by China, would drop by at least 10% by the end of the year.

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