Here's why your Android device battery and data are being dumped at a higher rate / world of digital information


It has already been proven that apps or websites have the potential to defraud users by draining the battery and making more use of data than expected from Android phones. That's what these networks, which hide the revenue-generating and energy-hungry video ads behind the banner ads on Android devices, understand, without users being aware.

App developers were unaware of the scam and only learned about it after receiving complaints from customers about why it was depleting their batteries and also using additional data about the scam. reality. However, in a new survey conducted by BuzzFeed, it has been discovered that the ad networks to which these applications have been associated are hijacked by fraudsters, who carry out their other large-scale advertising activities.

In this report, an OutStream Media advertising agency, along with its subsidiary Aniview, was charged. Whereas Aniview has rejected the blame by saying that they operate a self-service platform.

"That's just one of the many ways that scammers are extorting money from the global digital advertising industry, which will see more than $ 20 billion stolen this year," he said. said Craig Silverman in an article. In addition, "this system highlights in particular once again how advertising technology companies are exploiting insider access and technical knowledge to participate in advertising fraud."

This scam does not only affect consumers, but also advertising networks. As crooks, you only buy one ad space for a banner and instead cast a video behind it, which in turn generates a lot of profit.

This non-video ad stuffing technique is a form of "ad stacking" or "ad stuffing." According to advertising fraud companies, these bad ads can generate tens of millions of dollars a month.

A new advertising fraud program has drained the batteries and data of Android users by broadcasting hidden video ads
Photo: Kim Kulish / Corbis / Getty Images

Read more: Are antivirus applications the biggest threat to your Android devices?

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