History as Malaysia prepares to publish the final report in the mystery of the disappearance of the flight


I t is arguably the biggest mystery in the history of aviation: what happened to Flight MH370

Malaysia will release Monday a much anticipated report on the disappearance of the Plane Malaysia Airlines, which disappeared with 239 on board en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014.

However, the report will likely not provide much answers to the biggest questions that have swirled since that fateful day four years ago.

Here's all we know – and do not know – about the unexplained tragedy.

How did he disappear?

Flight MH370 departed Kuala Lumpur at 00:41 local time on Sunday, March 8, 2014.

Piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the plane was to fly across the Gulf of Thailand, so … [19659008] window.clientlibs.js.twitter_js = {
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