In an open letter, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says the Constitution protects protests from the NFL's national anthem


In an open letter, the former NBA star, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, claimed that the US Constitution protects NFL players' protests during the national anthem and criticized the league for to be "unpatriotic."

express dissent in a peaceful manner is a shame for the Constitution, the opposite of patriotism and shameful moral weakness, "writes the ancient Laker legend in an editorial of The Guardian .

Abdul-Jabbar opens his op-ed by criticizing the league for several of his recent controversies related to the anthem, and ends up making fun, "Then you did worse."

Jabbar wrote:

In May, you implemented a child policy on the Adult men must respond to the national anthem: a player may stay in the locker room during the anthem, but if he takes the pitch and that he protests, the team and the player may be fined. Oh, dear owners. You were on the verge of history in charge of deciding whether to choose the principles of the American Constitution on the profits of trade, patriotism on pimping, morality on the popular mindset, the promotion of justice on beer. Unfortunately, you blinked. Courage, it seems, is only expected of players.

Abdul-Jabbar then clumsily compared the Miami Dolphins to the "abusive students of Stanford Prison Experiment" by "punishing the Protestant players too much", by announcing fines. the new ban rule of the NFL anthem. Of course, the famous Stanford Prison Experiment was recently revealed as a fraud, but Abdul-Jabbar has always used the outdated reference.

The NBA champion six times went on to complain that we did not understand the protests: [19659008] It's been two years since Colin Kaepernick knelt to protest against the injustice systemic racial crime, especially police brutality, against people of color. The worst thing about this is not that two years later we are still debating whether the players have the right to protest, that is, little has changed with respect to Kaepernick's protests.

Of course, this is not quite accurate. At the beginning of his protests in 2016, Colin Kaepernick himself often stated that he was protesting against our flag and our nation, not just to protest "racial injustice". Kaepernick wore socks representing the police like pigs, claiming that the United States was never "big". He says that he could never be in the honor of the American flag.

Abdul-Jabbar continues to recite statistics that he claims to show that blacks are oppressed in America and concludes that Kaepernick's protests are "the incarnation of restraint."

Are not you NFL owners outraged by this? If whites suffered from these same statistics, you would not even play the national anthem, "writes the Hall of Famer." Again, you would not have had the opportunity to become homeowners. first place. "

The former UCLA Bruin also praised some homeowners for defending the issues of social justice instead of" snuggling under the false flag of patriotism "

The activist and former player continued to assert that the prohibition of hymn demonstrations is a violation of the US Constitution: "Denying players the right to express their frustration in a peaceful manner is a shame for the Constitution, the opposite of patriotism. By compromising ethics for the economy, you show moral weakness. "

This is, of course, nonsense.There is no constitutional right allowing Americans to use the facilities and time of the employer to facilitate personal protests on any question.

Naturally, Abdul-Jabbar put an end to his opinion by launching the race card:

However, when these opinions translate into actions that affect the whole of the community, we We have the responsibility to review these opinions, to maintain them at a higher level of reason.Unceasing your players their freedom to express their concerns sends a clear message that you do not appreciate the values ​​of your black players.You tell them that they must respect your white perception of social justice, even if you have no experience of the kind of institutional injustice that steals their life, their hope and their future You own in that you own the franchise, but you do not own the players or their hearts and minds.

The NFL and the NFL Players Association are finding a compromise solution to the NFL anthem's rule. Both parties hope to produce a new policy before the start of the season

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston .
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