In-depth study shows that drinking coffee can help you live longer


"I'll have six more, please." (Photo: Getty)

A huge study has shown that drinking coffee can actually help you

Earlier studies have also claimed that coffee could extend your life, but used small sample sizes, so we were a little skeptical.

The latter, however, analyzed the information obtained from 500,000 people. So, you know – we are inclined to believe it.

The paper was published by JAMA Internal Medicine and conducted by UK Biobank.

Interestingly, he showed that even drinking just one cup a day was linked to a lower risk of premature death, and even more interesting, no matter whether the coffee is caffeinated or not.

"We observed an inverse association of coffee consumption with mortality, including among participants reporting drinking at least one cup a day, up to eight or more cups a day, as well as those drinking at least one cup a day. filtered, instant and decaffeinated coffee, "said Dr. Erikka Loftfield, senior research investigator and researcher at the National Cancer Institute, in an email to Time. 19659009] Black coffee cup on four-segment color background "class =" img-align-none size-large wp-image-7688076 "data-rewritten =" true "/>

The study did not mention milk, so we do not know how we should drink our hot bev to live long (Picture: Getty)

Data from half a million people who have completed the questionnaires was examined, asking questions about their coffee consumption, their smoking habits and consumption habits, their medical history, etc.

14,200 of these people died during the 10-year follow-up. Participants who ate a cup of coffee a day had a risk of premature death that was 8% lower, which rose to 16% for those who drank six or seven cups of coffee a day. One day

Those who ate eight cups a day had a 14% lower risk of premature death.

For more information: Health

However, as the study only focused on existing data, researchers can not tell what it is like in the coffee that keeps us alive. In addition, milk is not mentioned – surely if you take seven full slats a day, it will clog your arteries?

Please, scientists, hurry up to do these additional studies.

This is good news for my fellow men who have the impression of having babies with tangled eyes until we have our first cup of the day.

Yes, it's a vice, but you know what? It could be worse.

And if every sip prolongs the appearance of the fake of death, we are down to clown.

PLUS: What is nitro coffee?

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