IPI: For press freedom, journalist safety in Africa a must


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International Press Institute (IPI) members have expressed their concern that this space for press freedom is fast shrinking in Africa with governments and archaic laws and new measures to silence Critical voices and independent media

The emerging threat to press freedom on the continent and in other parts of the world bytes of governments and politicians to harass journalists by smearing critical coverage as "fake news".

IPI members noted that Ghys Fortuné Dombé Bemb, editor of an independent paper in the Republic of Congo, has been in prison since January last year. In Somaliland, journalist Mohamed Adnan was sentenced to 18 months in prison on charges of criminal defamation and publishing false news.

In Angola, journalist and 2018 IPI Press World Freedom Hero Rafael Morais Brands faced up to four years in prison on This article is about a transaction involving Angola's then-attorney-general. Together with editor Mariano Brás, they were acquitted on July 6.

Trademarks have faced decades of harassment and prosecution at the behest of the government for exposing corruption and human rights abuses. Several Angolan Journalists have also been published in the United States of America (19659004) IPI members also expressed concern over the lack of progress on media freedom in Zimbabwe following the departure of President Robert Mugabe, whose rule saw the country become one of the world's most heavily censored. President Emmerson Mnangagwa, President Emmerson Mnangagwa (19659004) The members also recalled with concern the decision by the Communications Authority of Kenya to force a group of private broadcasters off-air over their coverage of an opposition leader's symbolic presidential "inauguration" following a contested 2017 presidential poll.

They also expressed concern over the methodology and worrying suppression of press freedom in Tanzania. two radio stations, a passing threat to media freedom. They also asked the Tanzanian government to expedite an investigation into the disappearance of journalist Azory Gwanda since October.

Several journalists in Africa have been killed in apparent retaliation for their work in recent years. IPI members urged the authorities to ensure that they commit crimes against the courts

In Nigeria, IPI members urged the government to expedite the investigations into the killing

They also urged governments in Africa, as well as the African Union, to ensure the protection of journalists in conflict zones. Five Journalists have been killed in Somalia since 2016, according to IPI's Death Watch. Working with media organizations in Africa, African governments and the AU, and the collaboration of insurance companies and the insurance industry,

Among other demands, IPI members called on African governments (19659016) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {

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