IRI and NDI announce joint delegation to observe July 30 elections in Zimbabwe


Washington DC, July 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Harare, Zimbabwe – The International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) announced today the members of the Joint election observation mission of the Institute in Zimbabwe.

Former Liberian President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Acting Former President of the Central African Republic Catherine Samba-Panza will co-lead the joint delegation of international observers. They will be joined by Karen Bass, a former United States Congressman, and by former United States Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Constance Berry Newman and Ambassador Johnnie Carson.

In addition to leadership, the delegation will include the following 22 short-term observers who arrived in Zimbabwe on July 24:

  • Dr. Hussaini Abdu, President of the Council, Youth Initiative for Promotion, Growth and Advancement in Africa (YIAGA)
  • Michael Abramowitz, President, Freedom House
  • Peter Aling & # 39; o, Resident Director of Tanzania, International Republican Institute
  • Hon. Gerti Bogdani, International Secretary, Democratic Party of Albania
  • Lamin Darboe, Executive Director, National Council of Youth (The Gambia)
  • Max Delices, Director of Operations, Electoral Council of Haiti
  • Law. Anna Henga, Executive Director, Legal and Human Rights Center of Tanzania
  • Hon. Mike Igini, lawyer; Resident Electoral Commissioner, State of Akwa Ibom (Nigeria), INEC
  • Nicole Wilett-Jensen, Deputy Director for Global Politics and Advocacy, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Natalie Kay, Program Officer, National Endowment for Democracy
  • Jerry Lavery, Technical Director, Consortium for Elections and Strengthening the Political Process
  • Cleophas Lungu, Acting President, Christian Churches Monitoring Group (CCMG)
  • The Hon. Eugenio Chicas Martinez, Congressman, Parliament of Central America; Former Chief Magistrate of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador
  • Ambassador Liberata Mulamula, Associate Director of the Institute of African Studies at George Washington University; Former Tanzanian Ambassador to the United States
  • Dr. Alexander Noyes, Senior Associate, Center for International and Strategic Studies
  • Dave Peterson, Senior Director, African Program, National Endowment for Democracy
  • Bethany Poulos, Legislative Assistant to US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
  • Dr. Henry Kwasi Prempeh, Executive Director, Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana)
  • The Hon. Jason Rweikiza, MP (Tanzania)
  • Barbara Smith, Director, Mountain Time Development; Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Christopher Socha, legislative director of US Senator James Risch (R-ID)
  • Dr. Lesley Warner Professional Staff Member, Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives

Short-term observers will join the 25 long-term employees currently in Zimbabwe, including 14 long-term observers covering the 10 provinces of the United States. Zimbabwe. The IRI-NDI observation effort, which began on April 23 with a presence in the country, also included a pre-election assessment mission from June 3 to 8 that published a detailed statement at the end of the mission. set out 13 recommended measures to enhance public confidence in the electoral process. The IRI-NDI mission has been accredited by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to observe the electoral process.


IRI and NDI have organized more than 200 international election observation missions worldwide, earning a reputation for impartiality and professionalism. In Zimbabwe, the IRI-NDI Mission will carry out activities in accordance with Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation and the Code of Conduct launched at the United Nations in 2005 and base its conclusions on international standards for the elections.

The approach to the mission is consistent with the regional instruments to which Zimbabwe is a signatory, including the African Union Declaration on the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa and the Development Community of Africa. Southern Africa (SADC) Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections . All activities will be conducted on a strictly independent and non-partisan basis, without interfering with the electoral process and in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe.

About IRI

The International Republican Institute is a non-profit organization. non-partisan organization dedicated to the promotion of freedom and democracy around the world. The IRI allows political parties to be more issue-oriented and responsive, helps citizens to participate in government planning, and works to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process. Since 1983, IRI has followed 205 elections in 57 countries through international observation missions and evaluations. For more information, visit .

About NDI

The National Democratic Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works to support and strengthen democratic institutions around the world. citizen participation, openness and accountability to the government. Over the past 35 years, NDI has conducted more than 150 election observation missions in 62 countries. For more information, visit .

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